Monday, November 17, 2014

For Roger Waters concert in Zagreb Arena 13 April 2011, as part of a tour which marks 30 years sinc

Warming up for the Waters, "When pigs fly" and "How to tell Iggy Pop and Bob Dylan" | MIXER.HR

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"Pink Floyd is like a marriage that is constantly in a state of trial separation," the mid-1990s, then half (un) official keyboardist Richard Wright Group, responding to a reporter's question about the current state of the British rock dinosaurs Pink Floyd (1965-1996) . "With Floyd never tell if you were desirable or not. Even the band members sometimes are not sure whether the band or not, "described his impressions of the company and collaboration with a group in the 1970s, journalist and photographer Nick Sedgwick. Both are written in the book "The Story of Pink Floyd: When pigs fly" by British rock journalist and publicist Mark Blake (328 pp, Menart, 2010, 41 fot., Color and b / w, prev. Mirela Priselac, Sanja Djuric ed. Denis Leskovar, original edition 2007), which more or less chronologically, quite meticulously covers the history of one of the most commercially successful stainless steel banding rock bands of all time, a brief description of the childhood and youth of the future star and multimillionaire, children from well-off family of intellectuals, professors, scientists, to the year in which the book was published. In the development of biographical stories Blake primarily relies on the statements and comments of friends and close associates, and the archive, stainless steel banding their own and others, talks with members of the group, and the primary effort of describing what makes the atmosphere and the relationships within the band, which, although more powerful impression , precise, compact, perfectly oiled and polished, cold calculating machine, a small group of art in favor of human beings, rarely functioned as a coherent body of like-minded, and often based on interpersonal strife and conflict, almost from the beginning, under the domination of an unpleasant character konceptualca Roger Waters. Very interesting reading, even for those who are not particularly stainless steel banding related to Floyd, "When pigs fly" offers a view from the immediate vicinity, stainless steel banding but the observation, from the outside, not the inside, which given the proverbial reserve members Floyd, should not be surprising.
For Roger Waters concert in Zagreb Arena 13 April 2011, as part of a tour which marks 30 years since the publication of hit albums Floyd's "The Wall" (1981), reading in the Croatian language can be heated and with the book "How to tell Iggy Pop and Bob Dylan - Views from the rock and pop culture "(408 pages, Profile, 2009, 41 fot., color and b / w) Croatian journalist Zlatko stainless steel banding Gall (1954), a collection of 72 previously (between 1986 and 2008) published experiments, some of which are processed for this event. Two among them are directly dedicated to Pink Floyd, more precisely their best-selling album "Dark Side of the Moon" (1973) and their musical and historically the most exciting stainless steel banding album, "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" (1967), on the occasion of the twentieth, or fortieth anniversary of the publication .
Divided into five thematic sections (rock classics, regional / local music, comics, social and pop culture stainless steel banding phenomenon in the US and worldwide), the collection includes a number of interesting articles that undoubtedly surpass the quality standards typical dnevnonovinskog sources. Looking back, mostly with decades of hindsight, the most crucial albums names in the world of rock and pop scene Gall, and how it should be, with a good steady relationship subjective stainless steel banding and objective offers a kind, author and fan of both, "Introduction to ..." work of greats such as the Rolling Stones , Whoa, Beach Boys, David Bowie, occasionally with a special inspiration, such as in articles about Bruce Springsteen, David Byrne and Laurie Anderson. With a mix of authoritative and kozerstva will address the theme, such as rock and religion, rock and heroin, black leather jacket, plastic or vespa, but the most interesting and the most exciting part, "Iggy / Dylan" includes chapters dedicated to the sometimes ironic, sometimes directly stark expression of discontent success "entertainers stainless steel banding lower species of all shapes", "untalented authors and miserable singers" on the local scene as well as the diagnosis of general turbofolkizacije the local area with the widest audience, despite all proclaiming stainless steel banding patriotism as one of their favorite "memorable music genres" embraced the one that most often considers Serbian export products and metaphor "Yugo-nostalgia." Is it, for example, Severin, "Croatia Beautiful Breanne" became Seve Nationale only when it is "absurd behold, eyes flick to the east and turbo-folk?"
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