Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I am deeply in love. Samuel is crazy of his young companion, anna spann naturally admires anna span

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Samuel Peron is one of the historical masters of Dancing with the Stars. It is part of the cast since 2005 and has won everyone with his skill and sympathy: the body is sculpted anna spann by the dance, the face may have some imperfections anna spann like ... But just for this. Yes, it has a lot of admirers. But his attention is for a single woman: Tania Bambaci, 23, professional model and actress. They met in October anna spann 2012 in an acting class, he has been struck as she preferred to proceed with extreme caution. It is made woo lot and has trimmed the poor Samuel several "no" before accepting the invitation to take a simple coffee: it was in March of 2013.
"Only in March - Tania told some time ago from the pages of the weekly views - I realized I could open myself. Before I left, it is true. I'm not the kind of girl that you grant the adventures, I did not want a story. Now that we're together, I know that I want by my side, but before I could not frame it ... Before I met him I did not think of falling in love: my last story was not closed and I wanted to think of me. " Once you acquire the confidence, however, the two lovebirds have not looked back. The following September, they began to live under the same roof in that of Rome: "I never thought - admitted Bambaci anna spann - to go live before you stand with him between anna spann us life in the house works as if we had always lived together ".
I am deeply in love. Samuel is crazy of his young companion, anna spann naturally admires anna spann her beauty but also loves his way of being and his unfailing optimism. That smile always on. Wedding plans? There are, and how if I think about it. Him, this woman wants to bring it to the altar ...
Alessandro Tersigni: in his heart only Maria Stefania Greta Scarano and Michele Alhaique, a love ... From movie Martina Stoessel Lanzani and Peter, a young but already great love Mika: Andreas is Dermanis mate "secret"
We are fascinated by the stars: those who are in heaven, but also those that inhabit the Earth, and in particular Italy. We tell the world of showbiz with the maximum (in) discretion, and we like to get first ... But without cheating!
October 24, 2014 By Editorial Staff

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