Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Some people use a training method called. imuttamista, where the dog

One of the most common problem behavior that drives owners with their dogs training course, it is remmissä rähjääminen. Leisurely jogging buddy sudden deformation remmiräyhän possessed rakiksi to tighten the belt, but also walker nerves. When the dog pulls the corners of the mouth foam dripping and heady barking cuts through the air, rising to one or another of the belt behind the two-legged hanging cheeks a healthy red. At home, mulling over why not exhausted your own hair ear to behave as they are all goody and obedient dogs. How do they do it correctly? Background
Remmiräyhä is usually transmitted rope braid tutorial to dogs that do not know how to behave in a given situation. Some dogs tend to avoid the situations to the last by pulling rope braid tutorial themselves away from the vastaantulijasta turn tail between depressed. Others make themselves so threatening that the entrants rope braid tutorial to understand the means of self-preservation, keep your distance. In some cases, remmissä räyhääminen can also be dog aggressive way to defend themselves, their owner or his territory. In the background is a dog need to stay ready for action in a situation where it is uncertain. The dog does not, therefore, be able to relax a given stimulus, usually another dog, in the presence of.
Remmissä rähjääviin dogs should be treated aggressively. Even if the dog is not at home or when free in would not hurt a fly, belt away from the situation may be different. Groundwork must be done carefully before you can let your dog make a closer acquaintance of the suspicious object. Behavior rope braid tutorial can have many different factors that must be investigated carefully before training, for example, a problem with a dog trainer in order to address the correct behavior of the underlying issues. What and how to train?
Remmiräyhän kesytyksellä in this käyttäytymisketjua, wherein the trigger dog detects a trouble-making factor and chooses to follow the walker sekoamisen instead. The aim is that the dog do not need a separate command, but the dog learns to anticipate situations and solve them independently. The aim is not glassy forward-looking and walking robot, nor the continuous command under the next dog.
Training practices are as much as a trainer, and they range from mostly kuristuspannoista and water bottles to other methods of punishment. The fact that the dog is punished for wrong behavior, do not tell it how it should work. The penalty can be a dog in mind also combine different matter than was intended. While the owner would want to communicate to your dog, that growls and barking is not right, the dog can be combined rope braid tutorial with the oncoming dog pain around rope braid tutorial his neck and the owner's negative reaction. If the oncoming dog is remmiräyhän view of all evil root, it may be trying next time to keep away from the oncoming more powerful than the behavior. rope braid tutorial
Some people use a training method called. imuttamista, where the dog's muzzle in front of the device to the goodies to make it keksittyisi just smell the tasty treats and would leave the environment ignored. This method may work for some dogs, but it is essential to move as quickly as possible to the fact that the dog can not keep eye contact with the owner, for example bypass period. Long-term rope braid tutorial assistance remmiräyhän domestication offers rope braid tutorial a systematic siedättäminen and counter-conditioning.
Systematic siedättäminen (systematic desensitization, SD) refers to behavior modification method in which an individual is exposed to low doses and at a sufficient distance reaction-inducing stimulus for so long that the stimulus beyond that level may no longer be the individual to respond. Dog training, this may mean, for example, that the dog is exported to a couple of hundred meters rope braid tutorial away from even a dog park, and when the dog does not react to the dog park to the dogs, but relaxes. A few step by step move in closer to the dog park until finally there is the park behind the fence.
Conditioning counter (counter-conditioning CC) is a behavioral modification, wherein the previously interpreted stimulus may be negative positive meaning, for example by means of pay, or vice versa. In practice, this means for example, that the dog always gets a lot of very good salary when it sees it as a certain suspicious-looking dumpster for a certain stretch of road. Remuneration is essential that the dog is rewarded only when it is relaxed. This way the dog can be combined with the presence of a suspicious dumpster and relaxation just the very good delicacy. If the dog tense up or react, it is taken out of the situation and tried again the dog calmed down, so that the distance from the trigger factor is greater.
Systematic siedättäminen and counter-conditioning to produce good and relatively permanent results within a reasonable time. If a dog with practicing each loop,

Monday, September 29, 2014

Blog Archive for September (10) August stretch film (7) July (4) June (5) May (10) April (9) March

Stella - Whisper Today we were SBKY the organized nature of the test, Helsinki, and the above song cried out to sound the way home. Daily Life Rumo is täpäkkä and to some extent an explosive package that monitors his territory stretch film with energy and is always ready to defend their likely if the situation requires it. After all, it is mm. once exploding rage of the fire extinguisher the size of a small child when the child was somehow suddenly in front of himself and a little startled it. I thought it to appear in the test jaws open karjumisena, great sharpness and puolustushaluna. It's gone pretty much at their how I thought it was back Rumo smarter! Keep up realized that this does not have to kill anyone And these, but try to mess around with kelpien expense. Initially tested on the accessibility and play, Rurre went rapsutettavaksi agree as himself, and we could have a little pussatakin. Play The means was a STICK. Kelpien eyes began to kiilua as soon as it discovered the bucket of canes. And then had to wait ... He did not initially get it to seize the cue when Rumo was of the opinion that the "THEM stretch film ALREADY! STICK THEM! THEM!" but then my play with it and after a bit even with the judge. And finely picked kepukan a few times. Well, then reached to the jänniin stuff! By the wayside Rooms interested in only when it was already quite close to the belt kireenä stand tönötti stretch film my sled and between marveling that share what could it brings tuommoinen is. In fact, when I took the tray pretty neutral Rurrekin realized that it does not slide eats small squirrels. When the carriage stopped in Rumo immediately went to look at it. Grunted once in a while the stupid sled yet moved, but no fears did not escape or anything. Someone useless contraption that tray. Tester's attack does not auheuttanut the higher reaction even that, Rumo remained in front of me and felt that I wonder what it is the uncle waving. Yes dodged a bit when it came close enough, but as soon as the attack ended, it was an uncle like a nice guy again. But my goodness, if neighboring jogging say hello (and naapuritraumatisoitunut Masa ahistuu) ni sit will be just a different story, semmoset neighbors mocked up. Overall and Rums guard a little bit but did not take it to greater panic. The temperament of a special experiment, ie barrels sinkaisi time leppäkeihäänä away the silly brassy barrel stretch film was trying to catch a squirrel! Käpsytellessämme again overalls and a barrel of coverall The past is not interested in any way but the barrels immediately went to take a look. Dark room with my pretty well, Rums vipelsi briskly in my nose, but after the use of the lazy animals of my first officer could not find me ... Moron. Stopped at its most basic in the corner where I was but returned back, the judge asked, that what was now brought negligence. Rums re-checked and was quite amazed when I though stretch film I was there. On the wall while looking at that one wonders what brought the judge oikeen raging, reportedly dodged a little closer to the wall at the end but then I'd been able to even play with the judge. Did not let a peep out. When no one really is that pretty little squirrel attacked not want to go. So everything well so far! Rumo was surprisingly quiet and calm throughout the test, stood firmly on its own feet, and was originally a breezy type. Until the shots. HELP PANIC. Point row of looked like this: function +1 moderate Tendency 1 small attack aggressiveness Desire for defense action one small Desire to fight two medium Nerves one little restless Temperament +3 Hardness one little soft Accessibility +3, accessible, open to all, therefore, this point on the plus side and the points together excellent 170 (and the judges commented on many occasions that "it's really a good dog!"). But the. Shots - shot prone to fail the test. Do you mind? Not. Rumo got a good score and the judges (Söderholm & Lea Haanpää) praised it really stretch film really good dog and liked how open it is. Complained very much tota laukaisalttiutta, "but remember that even though there now says that it has been rejected as it is still a good dog." The judges were also of the opinion that when Rumssilla blocks involving skull is quite kohdillaan ni it is a teachable sensitivity to sound off. That workout relaxed and sit again!
Oh, what was that?
Agility, sports, agility sport. Plus much more free time satisfying the ancillary. Kelpie Rumo malinois and Sookie are training hard and high piuhojen the other end trying to work out even half as hard. Blog substance of the minor, but the emotional charge is enormous. Shortly ku at our practice. Based on a true story. Includes sarcasm and stupid to flap. Not truthful.
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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Food contents of the cup ...?

I got Nala nature of the test site by accident, when a breeder yesterday announced the cancellation slot. Today I shaved in the morning Muhos. The judges in the test work Reijo Hynynen, Jari Keinänen. In advance I do not really know how else to predict the fight will mark, but of course I knew that point in mind Nala is in no way a 200-point dog, but it has a weakness, and on the other hand of course, they are also strengths. Some of the areas of pointwise looked like this: function -1 (small) Sharpness +1 (low without any desire to attack) defense action 1 (small) for Fight 2 (moderate) Nerves samuel samuel +1 (slightly nervous) Temperament one (very busy) Hardness -2 (soft) samuel samuel Accessibility samuel samuel +3 (good-natured, friendly, open) shots +++ (gunshots) Final Score 76 Thus, the video can be seen quite comprehensively all aspects of the dark room, with the exception of. Barrel-rolling samuel samuel did not come on video - Nala was afraid, samuel samuel and the final reaction can be seen. Nalan snowmobile reaction was much more intense than I expected. The dog immediately saw the loading of the tray during the test and after the load, and of course only increased. Attack, Nala went straight to my back and the threat of extended very far. Overalls Nala was scared a lot and the video out of the visible leap to easily sees. The overalls samuel samuel over a short time later while walking Nala rotate the suit so far as the strap to give up. Nala drum officer could not come at all. Overall and went to check things with the grant of the barrel after. The wall submitting Nala tried to dodge the situation. Shots went as expected, and I would be amazed if the dog would have reacted in a different way. The dark room is of course not in the video. Nala really cautiously proceeded to the room and was clearly pressurized. It proceeded samuel samuel towards the back of the room at me and I saw how it tail between my legs waiting for the next bogeyman to be published. Nala made a U-turn and returned back to me without identifying and had several niiskausten and invitations, as well as a flashlight to attract me. The judges called for the training to take account of the softness of the dog. Liikehdin a little awkwardly. I have always imagined that Nala is hard. Now, however, I understand that interpreted from the hardness is mainly related samuel samuel to the uncertainty. Soft dog to remember unpleasant samuel samuel or unexpected situations for a long time, and this was reflected in the test Nalan, inter alia, that it is the memory of the carriage before the end of the comments during the course. However, Nala explained fully test their own feet, even though overloaded significantly. Nala is a dog that needs a lot of positive reinforcement and self-confidence. It takes me about black and white, and perseverance, and now own habits samuel samuel any updates. I have advanced training in the wrong way, because I have not identified samuel samuel a small terrier samuel samuel uncertainty, which is multiplied when added to the equation, such as the World Cup's own insecurities. Agility problem we have been in the sticks and now I realize that I have done to put pressure on your dog's insecure. Soft dog Nala remembers samuel samuel failed to workout for a long time. I do not believe that the dog he could intentionally looks like miniature humans, but on the other hand, I Nalan from time to time with this way of thinking succumbed. It is time to improve my manners. Nalan's strengths are especially fighting samuel samuel spirit and integrity of the man. Hunger are the ingredients for many kinds of hobbies and everyday life it is easy to find and quite fluctuations. It thrives close to the man and on the other to himself. Nala is happy and on the other hand a little serious. Nala is not exactly easy to read, but I'm going to learn.
"And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." samuel samuel
2014 (81) September (3) August (7) Repo foxes camp 30.-31.8.2014 Voittajaolo Thank God it's Sunday Forward I'll protect you from anything, whatever samuel samuel you throw at it ... Nalan nature of the test Kiri 5 months July (2) June (4) May (7) April (16) March (18) February (14) january (10) 2013 (170) December (13) November (13) October (14) September (15) August (15) July (15) June (15) May (23) April (16) March (16) February (14) january (1) 2012 (10) December (7) November (3)
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I got the Java nature of the test on the nature of the Rottweiler test Orimattila, ropedstuds so sinneppä So we went this sunny Saturday to see how a small sheltie plot of his puollustaa. Neither the preliminary ideas are not the whole test was, when ever I'm not the kind seen live and I just about anything juutuubifilmejäkään, so naturally this one had the test sample to test-Jimmy: D The result, therefore, 80p (105-25), and gunshots. The judges Sami Heikkilä and Mikael Laine. Function -1 Sharpness +1 defense action one fight -1 Nerves ropedstuds +1 Temperament 2 Hardness 1 Accessibility + 2b shots ++ (gunshots) Battle appetite mogasin pretty self-control, when I was just totally ropedstuds covered with ice leikityksessä. Included been kaverikin said that, you do not play with ny about ever: D Java, therefore, took the rope with the ball in the mouth, but did not go play with her, because this daiju could not play with it in all benumbed game each bet as I always do. It is the dog the command "kii" and, of course, I do not have anything in my mouth alkuhässäkässä. Judges Java does not just interested ropedstuds in to say hi, but it just was standing in my legs and was of the opinion that the judge's uncle shall be held tunkkinsa. Went on a leash, then yes, depending on, and gave himself to smooth it nicely. Wall-attack, it actually also let the judge himself to stroke without any playback device. Toboggan in the creature carefully refuted from inside called her cones in a long time, and towards the guard comes to bark a few meters away. It was not interested to go, however, itekseen kelkkaoliota to go to explore, ropedstuds but then came the my jeans with a jacket and hats yes briskly sniff. Attack, it was standing a long time for me and attacking the judge between the barking, but a few meters away then came alongside me, you do not say mamma tolle ny something. In such a situation it can be found in the guts, then, when the mother is involved in transport. Wall-attack, when it is not actually interested in any none other than the mother is around the corner and I would also like to go there. That's it nakotti then sit next to the wall around the corner staring at the swinging dude keskenäsi there. ropedstuds This is the point, which is why I've been thinking about the nature of the test the suitability of sheltie that tested the human threat. But when I saw how the judge was doing this, I do not see folks no reason why shelties should not be lt-test ropedstuds more. When the judge saw that Java does not in any way respond to the judge bustle and stick with agitation, it stopped the attack ropedstuds on the same road and went, but scratching examine the dog. Overalls and drums, it reacts quickly to belt some, but came back to return briskly to inspect the barrel and nicely came from both the past. Little it looked, but tassutteli loose strap of the past. In a dark room was put fences ropedstuds across the room and from there to the other side of the gap, which can not pass through, then the other side of the room, where I was hiding in the closet. Jalmari apparently used the most energy in the fact that it will consider how this can be reached over the fence on the other hand, that it would have gone to look for an alternative route. Something men of logic, that the shortest route to be considered? It was therefore somewhat jeesaa that by calling did not go, so I had to get up in the doorway and then it become a creature scurry over to agree. Finally, it was then still shots, where it turned the head toward ropedstuds the sound source, but continued the journey. These, therefore, assessment of gunshots. All in all, an interesting experience and a dog looking score do not want to fight with the exception of (with thanks to the owner;). It's what was for me the most important thing in this test, so koiruus unresponsive quite prominent, but returns them quickly. Not go to self-examine the items, but yes I will be there with the supervisor. Also, the partitions between showed a rapid recovery, ropedstuds and pressurized test the progress incrementally. This was the match, a special mention, that did not need any additional links and palautteluaikaa, but directly to another section was able to move. Quite right mind perussheltti, therefore, with which is a nice mess and trouble :) Thank you so much Sari for the company, when you left for our roadtrip ropedstuds with <3 Editing posting, even to the extent that the added fotoa travel troupe. Included, therefore, also Nefer -Miss entertaining in the trunk and jogging brave luonnetestattavaa.
The blog adventures of two Shetland Sheepdog duo "Lighthouse and Trailer". In other words, the little black spitz Nati and Nat sporty Java -kakara. Flock orchestrated three tens consummate two-legged. ropedstuds Add us http://javanas.net and connections can also e-mail a fairy tale. tuomela (at) gmail. com Comments may also be submitted without any registrations and names, so we read them gladly ropedstuds :)
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Friday, September 26, 2014

Very similar to turhautumisaggressiivisuus. Revving the dog can be targeted to any attack that come

Aggression is just a general term for several different types of behavior. In order to understand better what it is, a situation in which the dog behaved aggressively, you should be carefully analyzed. Aggressive behavior may develop gradually or it can occur suddenly. Behavior was motivated by the triggering factor, as well as things that maintain the use of on.
If one dog gang members attacked, others rush to help. This is also true for the human members of the family; when one of the bullied, the dog can become defensive play. This form of aggression occurs in adult dogs. Owning
Animal life is an integral part of competition for food, the best locations, and partners. Different dogs like different things valuable - they may defend their own place, their toys or food, even substantially, even when there is a need at all. Owning aggression occurs in both puppies and adult dogs, and it is easy to identify. Fear
Animal tries to avoid the fear of items. If it is not possible to avoid, frozen ropes natick defends the animal. The dog may look scared and retreat, but when it afflicted the corner, it attacks. Typical of this type of aggression is dogs that have been abused; they attack when they try to relate to. Multi-fearful dog gives way to fear when approaching the target, but if the target turns away from the fear, the dog attacked. For this reason, fearful dogs should not turn your back. All dogs do not attack warning growl or nnostamalla hair up. Defence
Attack frozen ropes natick is the best defense. This aggression motivated by fear, but the dog has learned that attack is the best defense, and try to retreat. Dog gestures vary fearful aggressive. The victim's frozen ropes natick actions, regardless of the defensive, the dog often gives the first shock. Social
Stream by complying with certain unwritten rules, the purpose frozen ropes natick of which is to reduce frozen ropes natick conflicts between members. The dog may be completely frozen ropes natick smooth and reliable with an adult, but behaves aggressively frozen ropes natick towards the child in certain situations. Child does not work the dog's point of view in a predictable way, so your dog can experience the child's goings-on of its own resources, threatening behavior. Frustration
Frustration may be discharged aggressive frozen ropes natick behavior. This can be a belt biting accelerate frozen ropes natick the circumstances. Frustration often leads to the fact that the dog can not go where it wants to go. Frustrated dog can bite onto the controller or the controller on your lap. Re-Allocated
Very similar to turhautumisaggressiivisuus. Revving the dog can be targeted to any attack that comes in between the wrong moment. For this reason, fighting between the dogs should not be put in their hands. The pain resulting from the
Dogs have a built in hunting behavior. Depending on the breed, to varying frozen ropes natick degrees. Behavior of the chain triggered by a key stimulus, or even past the leaping hare. Race and genes depends on what your dog does when they see a rabbit.
Hello! I have marveled 9 weeks puppies off. It is now twice behaved very aggressively towards other puppies. Today we went to the same old puppy and your puppy immediately started kyräilyn another puppy, puppies after following a few guests snarled and took another puppy by the neck. Probe attached to their puppies and niskasti frozen ropes natick rauhotin situation, then settled down situation. The second time we have also occurred in the home. 9 months old bitch, and to this a few times in the neck it was correctly attached to Ariste. Why do you think this could be due, and how it could be root? Adult dogs will not happen.
Hello! This writing is old, but I hope that you find my comments. We are now 11 months old seropi girl, who is also already passed the first heat. The problem is specific to the defense of the issues; in particular delicacy of bones, our garments, and even his own vomit. The dog starts to growl when it is approaching, barking and biting just be sure if the issue is trying frozen ropes natick to take off. Statement from the teaching will not help for this condition, because the dog often just watching eg clothes, and not take these in the mouth. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Hi there, all kinds of things the defense of the dogs is quite typical frozen ropes natick behavior. here are a few tips: 1) is reduced to defend the value of things by keeping them more visible, 2) a person's approach of profitable -> man does not take things away, but to give something frozen ropes natick even more fun holding, 3) being taught something else to defend in place, such as the recall for sure -> this does not get a stalemate, but the dog can always be called off.
We have a problem in 3.5-year-old Spanish water dog unpredictability of strangers. This rodussahan may occur reservations about, tenderness, and sharpness, but I would be interested to know whether frozen ropes natick our problem behind this individual's character or a timorous dog typical O ff

Thursday, September 25, 2014

At this point, Armi still pretty well tolerated that character. edge banding machine Barking was ju

Kennel Club website the nature of the test it says this: "The nature of the test is to assess and record the dog's behavior in situations in which the nervous system would be stressed. A test result can be used in dog nature of the image to determine and education eligibility assessment. Test result also gives an indication dog breeding eligibility breed clubs and breeders."
Function: 1 Reasonable Sharpness: 3 Just attack aggressiveness Desire for defense action: 3 Moderate, controlled Desire to fight: 2 Just Nerves: one little restless Temperament: Lively edge banding machine 3 Hardness: 1 Slightly soft Accessibility: +3, accessible , open shots: ++ Shot inexperienced Final Score: 174 judges Tarja Matsuoi and Söderholm (in addition to the judge trainee)
Nearest easy to understand functional capacity is synonymous with courage. Functional shows how well the dog to stand up real or imagined threat, and how it is able to work in a situation where it had to fear, and it is able to overcome their fears. The performance is tested both with and without the threat that the threat.
Ability to function under the threat This is done by "kelkkakokeena". Hide and seek is pulled closer to the dog, "tray" that displays one direction from one person edge banding machine to another direction and completely unidentified. Sled moves forward jerkily and out of control. Dog thinks he's a character of a person but can not be sure (guests movements, sounds and odor-free), and this creates a conflict situation. When the tray is nyitty next to the pilot (if the dog's nerves allows it), it is left in place and monitored by the dog's reactions.
At this point, Armi still pretty well tolerated that character. edge banding machine Barking was just the beginning of a hard and napakkaa, and the closer edge banding machine to the tray came, the more Armi began to move. When the carriage came pretty close to me, it was already time to Arm a hard place. The belt was really long, and Armi ran a circle the radius of me and my sled around the strap taut probably ten times around around around ...
At some point, Armi, however, gathered herself, courage and went pretty much on their own initiative explore the bandwagon. This is in my opinion (and the other feels) very important, this fast recovery of the situation. Armi also does not look very stressed.
Ability to function without the threat of Conducting "dark room". The building at the door of the second of the judges to take the dog and the other lead instructor dimly lit room. The room has a small 'maze' (we had three turns), the obstacles that the dog can easily and safely ignore and varied base material (for example,. Spread plastic). At the door of the handler calls the dog inspiring and direction, then the labyrinth chamber. Dog's edge banding machine task is to look for an instructor. If the dog does not dare to look, or can not find the pilots, not this give aids (sniffle, edge banding machine a cough, whisper, calling, etc. to strengthen.
Armi left the real reippasti it in the room and came at a time for each half a meter away from me. The judge said that the dog's view, this room ran out of the last turn and not around the corner no longer could be nothing ... (except mamma!) Whenever I gave Arm aids, it went to the door which had come in and was sure that I had it behind the door, waiting. edge banding machine I got a call Armia pretty loud before it hoksasi where I was, to the extent it went badly nose plugged up with excitement. The good thing, however, is the fact that the Armi went briskly me to look for and paralyzed in the dark. Reasons that had occurred in the room is not working with photographs ...
These two toimintakyä measuring the performance of Armin performance is, therefore, reasonable one. "The dog makes contact with the tray from a large fright, despite the very minor advantages, the director. Darkness the dog may have to be called." Other options would be a great 3 +, 2 good, small -1, -2, -3 insufficient functional.
Sharpness is a trait that causes the dog to behave aggressively when they feel threatened by it. Field rate is inversely proportional edge banding machine to the magnitude of the stimulus, that is, the lower the stimulus causes of aggression, the sharper the dog.
The attack continued as close to the dog's nerves to endure. This situation is not, therefore, have to be self-seeing, but the barking and rähjäys was a hard time for a long time, so I guess that pretty much took the attack.
After the attack, the judge's behavior is reversed, that is, a friendly and conciliatory. Once considered to be kauako edge banding machine dog take to return, and to accept just yet intimidating person. Armi does not hold a grudge for long, but nicely restored and confidence returns quickly.
Armi got the sharpness grade 3 Moderate without any desire to attack. "The dog reacts aggressively to attack, the attacker came out clearly. Returns quickly." Other options would have been two large without any trace of aggression, one small, without any trace of aggression, -1 Small left automatically disqualify

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Or otherwise tarttis mourn the lost of Nokia phones, because they are not

Ah ha. Spekulonti jute webbing continuous size. Heitänpä too. Finland would now be in NATO and'd much better in Russian, because Finland had occupied in the summer of 1944, when the Isthmus first line of defense should be perfectly fortified because of its bunker line battles should jute webbing be destroyed, the rest of the Finnish troops on the Karelian Isthmus. The Isthmus military jute webbing destruction, was the Red Army's first goal. And by the power it should be possible. The Finnish army managed alone in the world combat the Soviet Union strategic strike the Karelian Isthmus successful delaying battle as a result.
Jussi Lehkonen 23/09/2013 17:44 Reply to comment # 5
Finnish army ylipäällikkyys gave him the army and the Mannerheim was intended to continue the attack in St. Petersburg and the Bolsheviks to overthrow the power of the Tsar's power and erect again. The new head of the Tsar, of course.
Or otherwise tarttis mourn the lost of Nokia phones, because they are not'd never been.
It is also time to question claims that the Soviet Union due to a slowdown would have affected 27 million people in the death of the last war where loss painoittuivat still on the Western main population and less of the most backward regions of Central Asia. Infrastructure is destroyed also targeted the western provinces. In addition, the industry forced to transfer from west to the Urals and Central Asia fell short of a miracle for some reason, and not as a permanent industry restored to its natural suitable area. The war gave birth to the evil of continuous labor.
Perhaps even more significant corro consists in the fact that the ruling jute webbing elite remained in place stronger and more criticism (which surely would have been no need for) was suppressed. jute webbing Land was left in a certain way the Great Patriotic War achieved "victory" jute webbing taken prisoner. There was an intellectual jämähtäminen stations.
That latter case is otherwise a major reason why the losers will be winners jute webbing in the long run. Mannerheim was obviously far-sighted in a final letter to Hitler (August-September 1944) when he said that Germany is such a powerful country that it does not disappear from Europe to anywhere. Finland as a small country with a poor solution could have been lost to Europe's cultural map. He explained about the reasons why Finland signs a truce with the Soviet Union.
MOT program criticizes the emphasis is on the Mannerheim Mannerheim virhearivioinnilla that he believed that the Soviet jute webbing Union does not care in Finland and does not make major attack here, but take care of the Finnish later, after winning the German. Heikki merganser, "the supreme commander went on the front of those responsible commanders in consultation with the Central Station, which is near Leningrad, it will take months - and during that time to the Karelian Isthmus and East Karelia to the redeployment of forces, But that brings Station broke down in one day. And 10 days after the Russians were already in the city of Vyborg. "Heikki merganser:" It is quite telling that the VT station, who was there in the middle of the Karelian Isthmus, that when there was a budget of around 140 000 armor stone - that is, armor barrier - both of them only 12% were vertically. So they lay there in the country. It was completely unfinished. "In early September, a ceasefire agreement signed by the battles had been killed about 20 000 Finnish soldiers.
Would have been nicer if it would have been to withdraw from the idea to pull out of. Better jute webbing would have been when it would have been someone fortress chain where you fight, there had been only a sum in the sand has fallen down in the tombs. Little depth on defense and not just Medvezhjegorsk. What on earth is there usually was made?
Why, then, forces satsatsiin White Sea Karelia fortification ..? Why light Nihtilä, Halsti and other highlighted concerns about the parade the door open for failure? And why do men then tried to stop the tanks the amount of sand ahoilla, without any obstacles, they would have caused them? Why, then slowed down when the tanks had to be a fraction of the land, let the stones have slowed down quite as natural barriers. Why Siiranmäki was left to fend for themselves without adequate preparation, Kollaanjoki why not, after all, made no preparations for once the last solution to the fighting. The time was about three years. There was not even tolerable crew safe guards, no nothing. The whole Isthmus, jute webbing a bunker somewhere without dismantle firearms industry. Just to understand how it all was the highest jute webbing hand and then praised when solved. It's guidance. It would even have been there in time for the use of weapons and practiced At their use. At least a month of the time they may have already the beginning of May 1944, "all knew" that the Soviet Union gathered troops and forces of large attack. Fortress Chain Maginot besides being circumvented. Do not be silly good man, schedules, jute webbing unless the men Kuhlmey would have stopped the invasion of the schedule would have been yes. Arouse wonder, why Mannerheim was so unprepared for a major offensive, even if all other tiedostelutiedot showed, in addition to the Mannerheim was already the summer of 1942 assured the German loss, ih

Winter tires can throw a car right away - Cars - 22.09. 12:46

-Though Football it may be unpredictable and unforgiving, we are better than isnnt, avausmiehistns announced Bilic boasted the B-block of the opening round aattopivn.
Croatia is a clear favorite World Cup team is expected to be the weakest Itvaltaa against. Keskikentll game pyritt two bikers, Luka Modric and Niko Krajncar, and Mladen Petric hykkyst pttvtkrjess and Ivica Olic. Krkimiehet are nlkisi, sill for the past four caps for Croatia hykkjt indupro have played without goals.
-Though (Injured) ykksmaalintekijmme Eduardo da Silva is not a TLL, I think Merill have enough firepower. All five hykkj have worked hard tit exercises, and now is the time to succeed, Olic thought.
The defense of Croatia is estimated to be a weak point, even if neljn the man at the front line of keskikentll opponents will therefore take ikitaistelija Niko Kovac. Defense certainly helps to put the kit Vedran Corluka recovery from playing condition.
Attitude is excellent, most of the players are a fantastic opportunity to vireess, and we are very optimistic about the Croatia game. Ylltykseenkin we can YLT, sill play at home and have our supporters behind us, pvalmentaja Josef Hickersberger bright faith.
Hickersberger has received much criticism when a clear ykksmaalivahtia not been named. Alternatives to imply tyteliseen evening the pilot are Italian in Siena plays Alex Manninger and the Greek league AEK Athens indupro rejects Jrgen Macho.
Meter long python crashed with a car - National news - 10:14
HSL run three shifts exception to the metro because of a strike - National news - 8:56
Elinlkrit warn: Sst may then become costly indupro invoice - National news - 07:23
This is the secret of a good Jukka Kuoppamaa - Entertainment - 22.09. 22:48
Jari Sillanplt new single - listen! indupro - Music - 22.09. 20:43
Nkkulma: indupro Merc would like Rosberg championships - Formula - 22.09. 18:24
Jokerit name of the acquisition of the future a hot topic in Sweden - agent took a stand - Kontinental Hockey League - 22.09. 16:43
From here, the monitor Jay-Z and Beyonce's $ 85 million house - IL TV Entertainment - 22.09. 15:08
Prince William: "George indupro is an energetic and action-packed" indupro - Royals - 22.09. 14:10
Winter tires can throw a car right away - Cars - 22.09. 12:46
French center Kive

Monday, September 22, 2014

As an example of functional facial image

A couple of months of waiting, I finally got my Canon camera 5Dm3. The very next day provided the Helsinki sambakarnevaalin the procession was a good opportunity to test the new camera. 7D and 5Dm2 after a new frame will feel immediately familiar. The viewfinder image is a mighty big and bright, from memory, evaluated nearly Ds Mark III's level. The shutter button is so sensitive that a few times the camera just went off accidentally. bxt The setup menu is again wider than ever. What is new is that the micro-focus adjustment can be made separately for the lens and Telecommunications bxt laajispäähän. Rapidly experiment 17-40 and 70-200 milligrams-it did not have any difference, maybe the focus distance adjustment would have been more useful? Test Taking pictures with different values is very laborious - at the very least should be a description of the camera button on the Setup menu without exiting or, preferably, some kind of automation, which values could be obtained in place. bxt Operating mode selector is now a lock button to prevent it from moving accidentally. It is necessary, as in the previous hulls status changed too easily on their own. ISO button has been reduced in order to distinguish the tactile sense, but a small protuberance is all too difficult. Canon cameras bxt memory card, the number of images that can counter maximum value is 999, which is not big cards and jpeg shooting in public is not very much. Nikoneissa bxt counter reaches up to 9999. Small concession, Canon has added a counter in front of the number one: now the maximum is 1999 Feels so pointless ... why not the same road four full number? For some reason, in bright sunshine on the LCD screen went from almost dark, just like a camera would be something wrong with it. Enlarging the picture viewing mode to confuse: the old thumb to push the buttons no longer work, but keep rolling to get around your index finger. In addition, bxt the magnifying glass button default value is 1.5x, which is at least the changed settings right away (as soon as I found it!) 1.0x position. Another useful option is the one that jumps directly to the 1: 1 magnification of the active bxt focus point position. bxt Just one small thing: why is the camera strap to keep shine kissankorkuisilla letters EOS 5D Mark III? It's like an invitation to a thief. Fortunately, the old and worn 40D came with the belt was still there, I changed it to a new camera. On a leash only reads the EOS Digital. Must be really sharp eye to notice the difference from a distance 40D and 5Dm3 between. What about the pictures? Samba Carnival hit close to the heat of the sun. Images from a Picasa gallery. Colours are mainly the sun, fine performers and lenses, thanks. Images are hardly any, which would not have been able to take 7D with or 5Dm2, respectively. But there is something more to it. Take for instance this:
Bigger bxt 940 pixel version by clicking the image. The sharp and bright sunlight, lightning is not completely smooth, there is a problem, but at least the image is excellent sharpness - taking into account that it is fully described in the opening 2.8 (lens 70-200 bxt F2.8 IS II).
Liner above (1: 1, 916x611 pixels). Pixel resolution is for many enthusiasts (even professionals) in vain. Images will be taken a lot of web-enabled, and there's even a camera phone smeared version is enough. Image reduction to dispose of the focus error or lens softness. But for those who feel law get satisfaction from the image quality, even when it does not appear on websites, such a combination is unbeatable. I also bought bxt a Canon GPS Accessory GP-E2. A short experiment, it is fine on the other hand, on the other hand the poor. As a result, only part of the samba parade pictures are included in the coordinates. I will return to the topic later.
5D3 LCD's auto brightness does not work. I took the automatic function, and the display may be much better understood. This had to be done 5D2: each. In some situations, the black AF points does not want to distinguish between background and subject. Firmware repair rumors. There's VERY hyödylinnen minimivalotusaika setting Auto-ISO for varying lighting, but it is ruined when the minimum may not be faster than 1/250 s. Often needs faster if the target or self-moves. Otherwise I'm 5D3 C was not really satisfied. Significantly better than 5D2 camera for me. Both of course are still too strong film heirs of the time. 17 June 2012 21:24
Automatic brightness control seems to have troubled others. I'm not the only one who thinks he's got a broken camera. Apparently, the brightness sensor that measures are in a bad place, and therefore gives false readings. bxt This manual is more than 400 small pages, the better to study a pdf version bxt on the big screen. In particular, the AF settings is enough pähkäiltävää:-) 17 June 2012 22.50
As an example of functional facial image's eyes are blurred. Apparently, this is enough for amateur photographers, but yes put me laugh Järvinen valokuvaustaidoille. Samba her portraits are merely mediocre amatööriräpsäyksiä. It seems funny that they are required to describe the expensive bxt camera when Järvinen would have received

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cats must be vapanaa if it is under the control of its owner and can not be counted tuolloinkaan Ac

Surely here is a topic discussion, but laziness / my interest in asking yourself, what do you think? Is it wrong to keep your cat on a leash or allow it to run freely in the wild? In fact, I got an idea that officially domestic cats should not be allowed to wander around on their own outside the house and the yard limits himself crossed the cat has "been abandoned". I myself have always been inherent in the idea that the basic maatiaiskissaa tool for perforating stamps would be locked tool for perforating stamps in or tied to a string. There is of course a different matter being resident in the country or in town, joillekkin opinion probably also affected by whether a certain cat breed or breed. I live in the countryside, I now just totally in the wilderness, but still. My family has been for ages, cats and minds have never been to keep our pets "prisoners". They come and go. The reason why I ask is the last one of our cats. Cats free doorway has seen to it that they often do not have a full life lived, but lost after years without a trace. They were more than in the winter may have been fed small birds. However, we took a lovely package lemmikiksemme tool for perforating stamps cat, totally Care Bears. You could say that I loved it. One day it will no longer come home and realized that it did not come back so I missed it quite terribly. Now I'm kissavanhuksemme accompany taking two kittens, and the question arose should be my approach to pet free taivaltamiseen change? Opinions, experiences, whatever
So we too are always outings. Older, tool for perforating stamps our cats territories are decreased in the area of your yard, and have not gone further. Also, the time to "koiramaisia," or we go out together, when I say, and will be in conjunction tool for perforating stamps with the inside when I say. To sit in the outdoor or kyttään them a bit matter if I'm actually inside. tool for perforating stamps No need of any string, as otherwise remain "under control". I also want that cats can carry out themselves, or to hunt, we have enough mice in the yard for that purpose. That is, it was not work cat, mouse, rat and tilting. Uncut packages are wanderer and kuseksijoita. And cut package usually mark and pee smell either.
Cats must be vapanaa if it is under the control of its owner and can not be counted tuolloinkaan Act prohibited tool for perforating stamps areas and not other people's tool for perforating stamps yards. The free without their owner and their own outside the yard outdoors, the cat is deemed to be abandoned and left to the not according to the law to catch and bring social löytöeläinhoitolaan. The cat can not keep a leash like a dog, that is, it must not be tied in place, other than a short period of time, temporary, and even then it has to be under the control of its owner. Cat walking alongside the harness tool for perforating stamps on the other hand is permitted by law and common sense speaking, the best way outside tool for perforating stamps for the cat. The spacious outdoor garden tool for perforating stamps is also a good solution, but the cat exercise and stimulation, the need is need to take care of, then in some other way. Exclusive free time outdoors cat is exposed to many risks as in urban areas than in rural areas, and it also may result in both places tool for perforating stamps harass, harm, and even danger to both people and other animals. A responsible owner walks up pets with only a controlled, whether it be a cat, dog, rabbit, or any!
And ... other people's yards. The free without their owner and their own outside the yard outdoors, the cat is deemed to be abandoned and left to the not according to the law to catch and bring social löytöeläinhoitolaan ....
Click to expand ... The law does not prohibit the cat being the second in the yard or corrected through it (unless another yard, then something like that happens to be what the law defines cats as prohibited area). Cat tossed drop-off is not satisfied by the mere fact that it is free from outside your pihansa. Abandonment must be a stronger case and a clear display. It must not be called. norm for the cat, who lives in her own home and outdoor exercise in the free (and then returns to his home after outdoor activities). This is only just a matter of whether every one of any opinion cats outdoors. True, alone in passing a cat is exposed to many vaarolle, but so exposed switched on while running the cat. Dangers tool for perforating stamps of just being different. Multi-cat part of the outdoor exercise safely to himself - I have seen these independent cats. Cat Owner responsibility is to find out what is best for my cat and this report starts from the cat's acquisition planning.
Click to expand ... and so will the control status is otherwise good notch to remember. Sn, then the interpretation is not very straightforward, but the interpretative and the cat will not go free - as long as the owner knows where the cat wanders and makes it stick, if necessary. This explored the sometimes self-authority, that how it is interpreted, when we consider what the cat gets what

Saturday, September 20, 2014

2014 (18) September (1) August (1) July (3) June (3) May (2) April (1) March (3)

Ojanko, HSKH Association of BH Sat 24/08/13 We got paired with traces of a young female Akita pilots, who began the experiment cinta micropore place to lie down and we seuruukaaviolla. We were in the home position and ready for your performance, waiting for the judge's permission, the akita pinkaisi running towards us. Possibly play calling was the act of Ripalle attack and Ripa's reaction consistent with it. Fortunately, no confrontation did not come, but the situation calmed down as soon as the akita continued hanging around in the adjacent field director cinta micropore in tow. Akita performance was then in it, and we named the new couple. Saratov get picked up again to continue cinta micropore with a new pair, but Ripalla had a deep suspicion that someone will point and attacking the earth. Seuruu as a whole was the consistent avoidance. Pm was good, after all, Ripa demonstrated so far certainly am staying. Fortunately, we were able to obedience section through the city to continue to share. The dog fell from nine to two out of the obedience section. City Share of Hakunila carried cinta micropore out in S-Market Saturday bustle. The dog came to pass the handler's left side of the belt loose the whole execution time, and to be obedient cinta micropore to the commandments of the pilot. The belt came to be a pilot on left hand. Home we went to the apartment complex to the staircase, out of which trade outside doors to the front and middle of the street life outside of which came to greet counsel and at the same time several persons came to the very skin. The judge continued to mark the road crossings, which came in front of the dog put to sit. Pyyhälsi over the back and the front runners. The second stretch of road behind overtook the clock plays a cyclist, what happened to us the situation, the more spice the father of a child's pram pushing and potkulautaileva little boy who faltered here and there. The situation pikkasen nervous ribs, which very successfully avoided the bushes until. Next came the car, which came to a halt and the driver came with the change a few words. Then we continued walking in the parking lot, and came to a dog that came to pass without the emotional cinta micropore outbursts. The most exciting was to leave the dog park Ripa front of the store and leave the scene, "shopping". cinta micropore Ripa past the multi-assistant, children, a dog on two occasions, etc.. And all those Ripa took it easy, waiting for me. As a result, accepted performance cinta micropore and Ripa received training symbol BH. Ojanko, HSKH Association's obedience experiment Sun 25/08/13 Look lo and behold cinta micropore obedience test was quite small at the same time on the ground than on Saturday BH obedience section, so pikkasen expectations collapsed, however, I decided to take bulls by the horns and think positively. Lämppäsin ribs field outside the area and everything seemed to be ok. Field area came upon the tension that landed me in the rib. Movements of the order comments: * Pm / 6,5 / Double Command ground, went to the hips and sniffed cinta micropore at run time, slowly sit up from circulation * Sitting / 7.5 / Seuruu contactless, sluggish, slow and small sitting Assistance * Lt / 7 / Earth ok, went very laukalle, slow-City and a little spilled, the ground ok and the page comes waned * Screen / 9 / There was a pretty cinta micropore nice though reakointi stop of silicon could be here too faster, as well as to follow to become more enthusiastic * Theme Music / 5 / The beginning was ok, but varmisteli, as usual, their own and dropped !! twice the theme song to the Restoration and the return position of the oblique Seuruu * / 0 / There really was seuruuta just a day of walking. Slow progress pikkasen improved. I helped a lot of dogs and I tried to stir up the movement during the jump * Pick up / 6,5 / The beginning was nice, took command in the first album, but then the guest baton surprised and had to twiddle and sniff, return oblique * Metal Strange / 0 / Went well to pick up until the kehänaulla been a dog exploded Ripalle, cinta micropore who returned to me. After that I helped hetsaten ribs just to bring the metal to me, the return level was no longer matter * Kaukot / 5 / uncertainty and anticipation * Overall impression / 7 Score 172.5: p Our movements during satui and happened; Liikkuri went crazy seuruun and the theme song to the order, the assistant carried the theme song to jump a barrier next to me during the metallinoutoon running dog perimeter of the strip next to the exploded Ripalle. Could not awesome to go?! The worst thing was that for the first time Ripalla was really busy off the field in the car :( And once again, the video feels so bound to find something good. Ripa is a nice way involved in the movement between although cinta micropore it does not come swiftly pa. Palkkautuu at least in the top somehow. Ruutu is super. Something good and much more workable. this video for tough targets HSKH Association of Obedience cinta micropore tehiskaudelle.
2014 (18) September (1) August (1) July (3) June (3) May (2) April (1) March (3) February (2) january (2)

Nonni, dropper Gretel

Nonni, dropper Gretel's the best most wonderful Hurtta Life Guard Y-harness into the woods Touruvuoressa. So, if someone spotting a bright pink harness Touruvuoresta, vinkatkaa. We walked carla samuel for over an hour, mainly along the forest and somewhere in between them there, I was dropped. Then just look for them. I had Gretel strap and harness carla samuel in hand, but the harness, therefore, were not on a leash closed. Fortunately, carla samuel our good and reasonably valuable belt did not fall there. They think they valjaatkin annoyed. I was sure that these harnesses may no longer anything, but they have been replaced carla samuel by duller pattern. It's not, but Life Guard harnesses are still the same and they are rumemmat raspberry-colored Outdoors series. So I might order a new, if those can not be found. Onto the story, when the tykästyy, annoying to lose a lot of it is due to your own homeliaisuuden. // This update as soon as more that were found in the harness just my friend Elina, thanks. :) Awesome! Harness our Friday and Saturday to other things! On Friday, jogs Merja, Roo and Bambi with Haukanniemessä. Bambi is not terribly Gretel did not like, but the K was able to leave it alone. It was a long time rainless day, so we sat still long tovit nurtsilla. Gretel and the RUU just lay in the grass and lovingly was such a nice feeling. In the evening we went to describe and to participate in the VIP group. Puppy Group has a lot of different breeds of representatives, so it was nice outside for the camera. I did Kerttu tunnaripunnarin that failed first. I had put the sticks, who were in an open plastic bag. Poor spending: the odors became entangled. carla samuel One of the company were traded on the rite and sticks a closed plastic container received. My rose twice for sure, even though the pace was a spanner in the nicely. Furthermore, the distance is some five meters of a spanner in the afternoon and was ten. Plus the theme song is definitely the fact that Gretel is no longer panic, if you can not find your first five sniffing out the baton, but encourages carla samuel them to continue searching. Disturbance, it may be a little lift themselves häseltämään, but I think biting is kept in check, let's not Friday, it was not. The routine will come with time and we paljonhan this theme song is turned. Gretel was anyway just a super tuned: it offered to monitor all the time, buttoned eyes and was like a boy scout. Absolutely only blokkasi carla samuel everything else around and worked like a dream. I made it a single activation of the + end of the salary. It was a little before stoppeja and sedentary. A couple came to a waste sitting around, carla samuel otherwise a nice flow. My command affects a lot, because our sitting command is much lower and calmer than snappy "STÅ". So, sometimes I mix the sound of that commandment weight and Gretel to mix it up or stand while working. I'm still not changing the command, but keep paying much attention carla samuel to that sound to your weight. The small stuff to yourself, your dog bigger! Elli gave us a playground workout. About 12 meters every three Gretel's toy: a ball a long belt, baton, and the Swedish Speciality been a small rope knot toy. Gretel to sit down and the "attack" with first point. The moment tearing, profit Kerttu and the second point. Was made to remember two rundia and became a sweat. : D That car when Gretel won the last toy. The idea was to lay down a dead toy biting. I know: this is my number 1 murmurings of the subject, even if we do, the way the play is going. This was taught to label attached carla samuel to the toy, which is as worthless and dead. Whether carla samuel it's fun! Let's do this more and see if videokin to at some point. At least the entertainment would be my "death": D We went to yet Elli and heightens the evening with a walk, so the comfort of physical activity and brain activity Friday. :-)
On Saturday, we went from morning to Touru the liner. Gretel got to wait in the car when trampled object of the screen. The terrain was a bit of trails and it was kind of the moss. Time to clear, but the wind was loud and there was a lot of traces. Jälkikepit were then left home, so I would polka kepittömän track, or only track the end of a stick in the forest. Tree was pretty short. More muistuttelujälki, because I was kind of busy oneself with the car the sun was shining and forwarding that Gretel läkähtyy. Given footprint, and the object of the screen to become obsolete and a half hours. First, the object on the screen. I was again a little goon with the placement of the screen. This edge mark a funny face, while I had previously marked the leading edge of the collection you want. Kannon split the transmitter. The object carla samuel was quick knit, applied carla samuel for a little edge. Mushroom was the foremost. As a reward for food and play. Second was black, as usual, went badly. The wind was strong and the scent took over, but could not find. I went a little closer and did a good search on this shipment. I hired a lot and was in flames, so looking for the third out there to facilitate supplementation with formula. Please note that the herd of the object with faith in knowledge begins Kertulla little clot that is, it is not going no further than the rocket, even though the likes of the search. I do not know whether more hetsata; go to show toka es

Friday, September 19, 2014

(RTK1, RTK2) BH Topolino Easy Living - Nismo p. 05.10.2005 AGI mini1, Obedience ALO 1, rallytoko CA

Duck, oikelta named Hanna, -85 born a dog person. My husband Aten with, we are involved in all types of dog activities. We train, hobbies, compete, learn, and puuhaamme together and separately mm. in obedience, agility, and small and medium-rallytokossa left. In mixed lives in our pack two small chihuahuas Nismo and Nemo, the three Hoff; Hezekiah, Wilma and Iita and mice chasing the gang of three cats: muggle Joda + + Joe
Today the nature of the test in Lohja, judges, Sami Heikkilä and Lea Over-backwater. Ate the whole thing your video sides - thank you dear. Tremendously excited that how the test goes on and on here now and then point by point: Functional + 1 reasonable size during the test showed a very functional and reasonably, but loud sounds (drums, the shots) tin snip after the judge's words, "the cup went bust." Snowmobile first did not notice the carriage driving, pull on a pair of after discovered and settled in my carriage between the railed hard and was true for a long time. Edge out of the sled came too close, tin snip went back and tightened the belt. I went to the judge's instructions to the tray next to the squat and Nismo came to investigate the tray. In a dark room started off well, became of me and looked at me but did not apply. Came back to back and I had to call several tin snip times and then realized that came briskly. Sharpness + 1 small, without any trace of aggression Apuva, now where this was measured ?! A good memory: D. Desire for defense action + 3 moderate, controlled snowmobile defended the attack and took the first aggressor, then settled down in front of me and defended frantically style "devil mama you're not going to threaten the IS CLEAR ?!" . The threat comes pretty close to the time, withdrew the page next to me but did not go back. The attacker throws the stick away and switching between voice / movement style barked for a while, but left the attacker, the briskly and gave a very handle. At the invitation tin snip came to join. Wall while the judge that defended tin snip himself well, and the judge said that was a long time to play with it to play that gave the threat, Nismo defensively, and the judge confirmed it by canceling the like. Then threw the stick away and went to create, Nismo was just normisti wagging tin snip her tail and gave a very deal . Fight -1 small I figured that do not play at all with the judge. tin snip The referee took a stick and threw it to the ground - Nismo just calmly looked at the stick and not interested. Judge changed the stick squeaky toys with hair on end and got Nismon play! However, it struggled but rather eagerly tin snip chased the toy. Nerves + 1 little restless surprise to me, I suspected that goes into the red. Temperament + 2 was a moderately lively interest in the environment, but not hösöttänyt. Took my opinion miracle casually always between performance. Hardness + 1 bit soft tray while walking past not to mention the response, and Coverall but the barrels it was scared like hell and refused to come over for it than piiiiiiitkän grooming and then from the opposite direction. Again the same thing here, the button is enough to handle tin snip a very surprising situations, but when it comes to vote as the cup goes bust immediately. Accessibility + 3 good-natured, friendly, open No problems :) shots - shot timid This did not come as a surprise, I knew that it is scared of shots. The norm in life does not matter as the new year, because for example starttarilla may be just fine and not afraid to shoot or go to panic. First shot as he fell down and started pälyilemään tin snip nervously, toka shot, but the use of strengthened. Although frightened, strongly barrels and a shot, then returned to the well and quickly. I used it for a walk and I made a small car tottiksen the year - no problems. I am very happy with the small dog and now I know what situations it behaves mitenkin. I have kept it a bit scared dog, but it is äänipelokas not generally fearful. tin snip Good Nismo :)! Total points tin snip 127 - nice shot of the test, the staff and the judges were really nice, and no one is held at an angle Nismoa, on the contrary - curiously looked at the test flow. At home, did not show any signs that nothing would have been "over the top". So far so good :). However, I gave it a rest and I took a walk just to Nemo and Wilma. Tomorrow Marjun agitreenit Nismon with nice ... :) Now, sofas and candy - only a week summer holiday!
(RTK1, RTK2) BH Topolino Easy Living - Nismo p. 05.10.2005 AGI mini1, Obedience ALO 1, rallytoko CAN, BH small chihuahua / brindle / obedience, rallytoko, agility (post) Edit: knees 0/1, LTE 127 in LA , neutered Nismo is by nature independent, challenging, bustling ... difficult, but extremely rewarding. Hardcore and heating. Making tin snip happy and have the strength for long performances. By focusing on just awesome partner. tin snip Nismon in the world is no other than himself, and of course I will;). tin snip We hope that we are not even Nismon with some kind of an example of "that it does not see race". ! "------------------------------------------------ ------------ Magic

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sorjonen replace Josban coach jumps for the period ended assistant coach Petri Tower. 36-year-old f

Floorball League Josba Society has published a pelaajarunkonsa and training activity for the period 2014-2015. Joensuulaisseuralla, it is time coaching in addition to ten players contracts, nine of which turned red-black cotton rope in the previous period. The biggest change in this stage is the head coach Sami Sorjonen stepping aside.
Sorjonen replace Josban coach jumps for the period ended assistant coach Petri Tower. 36-year-old former coach of the tower experience cotton rope is the North Karelia subset of the clubs. As the player, 1st Division have played up to the tower's career ended knee ailments turn of the millennium, and then the man meritoitunut coach.
Joensuu kind of TPK's Division 1 teams, as well as the bear from Lahti Leba-96's and polvijärveläisen KLC's 2nd division team at the helm of years spent in Tower rose Josban coaching a year ago. The tower is both IFF huippuvalmentaja degree of Eastern Finland Sports Institute ammattivalmentaja cotton rope degree.
Henri Lomu will continue to coach the team's Physics and the new face Josban coaching will be seen as the goalkeeper coach Jarno Kettunen. Player Career Kettunen guarded by that same club with seven goals in total for the period 1999-2009. Also Sorjonen are still welcome to continue coaching the team. The decision to give him later, when his company the family and becomes clearer.
Player Josbassa trusted side of the previous reference frame. Already published cotton rope the team captain Perttu Puska three-year extension board is the cherry on the cake Josban. Other successors are Attackers Tatu Könönen, Mikko Hallikainen, Aleksi Matikainen and Jonah Gröhn, as well as defenders Markus Otronen, Niko Kejonen and Jesse Reijonen.
Also, the upcoming season goalkeeper duo is known. In the last season the number one refers to the changing of the guard carried the Jesse Frost Korpi gets prompter Oilers increased Tuomas Sure, a child who goes to Josbaan Divari-from little beach in Leba-lag of 96.
The only secure leavers joensuulaisjoukkueesta are Kooveehen Aapo Mutanen moved to Switzerland, as well as leaving Tommi Eronen Puustinen and Tatu. Petri Väänänen and a few other past period the player's situation is still open.
Tatu Könönen striker, 23, 1 year
Does anyone know what man, this tower is? What type of person and human being? What's strengths as a coach. It seems to have been Karjalainen, according to the story a bit here and there short clips, Lebasta potkutkin, one of the health problems Karelian viitataan.Yllättävän name unknown to the general public, not to be condemned, hopefully someone cotton rope will be able to open the friend's background a little more detail.
Where Kämäräinen soppari? If the future of diamond is allowed to pass between cotton rope the fingers somewhere lebaan mud series möyrimään, so yet another feather in the cap of lost promises in josbassa ... common sense in your hand for at least a three-year paper at a reasonable compensation to a friend ..
From the tower I do not know the person personally, but every time, is in question. Mr. been at the helm of the team's "success" has turned into a sharp decline in mm. pyhiksessä, cotton rope Leba and KLC in, I hope you do not go the same way josban with ..
Let's take a Josba Tower kiritttäjän someone experienced coaching team, the role of mentor, Joensuu, however, the loose Tuonosen and Muukkosen like all nähneitä eyeballs. cotton rope I wonder why these have not been raised perimeter of foxes now number one in this situation, and the tower next to learn how to get at first, when Sorjonen decided to focus on the mantle exchange
Josban situation seems challenging. cotton rope Josban "golden generation" of 1987-1990 has been successful in one way or another cotton rope to explore. cotton rope Many of the young people when majua represented the league do not stand out the basic kits (if at all now no longer keen on floor hockey). Is Josban operation of something really cotton rope badly wrong, if you like that age group do not have known how to process the level of men?
Josbassa last year seen a change pallollisessa of the game is the handiwork of the tower. I hope you are coming period, rubbed patterns huipputikkiin. And caulked that the defense of the head. Just do not agree with can be a tower of that income effect of the former clubs. KLC was once the Cabinet rise 2.divariin; The tower got this coach, my first season barely survival (game of break-in + players played for the first time individual games), the following season pruning mass upwards. Tower, therefore, increased the dozen men right DIVISION winners. The other enlistment KLC in crashed in poor player material, old Starat in poor physical condition, and new responsibilities carriers cotton rope were found. Leba do not think the peons enough for the patience of waiting for the game to the change kohdilleen settles in and separated the tower, Leba would be the case if the series runner-up (or even third). Yet tuollakin period Leba was close divarinousua; the team continued to play the game by creating a tower way. Hopefully, over time, the nature of the edges are leveled

The goal would be to have eye contact more automatic, so that any surprise to happen, the dog shoul

Very many of the dog-owner comes to the grim reality when the dog is approaching the age. Life has been harmonious, until one day it happens: the walker, or another dog causes a huge uproar, and the dog will not get any contact. In the end, the situation itw signode may not be so difficult itw signode that a dog with dread little jog. Behavior Advice collides with these problems on a weekly basis; Strap Brawl is one of the most common problems in dogs.
Strap restrict the dog's movement and gestures, which it normally wear greeted and consult another dog. The belt stringency of the dog in frustration and raise a dog laps, when the situation becomes explosive.
Puppy dog should be socialized at a young age as well for many situations, so they do not surprise adulthood. A few uproar after the dog quickly learns that the attack is the best defense. It can not believe that the bypass situations itw signode survive without itw signode rähjäämistä.
When the owner of the panic button because of the dog's scratchy and in the worst case, punishing it, the thread is finished. The dog learns that the approaching species for sale to anticipate uncomfortable situation. Owner react by tightening the belt, so that the dog will be activated further, itw signode and the brawl is even more likely. Only a few cases of bad behavior off the ice itself - education in general is needed.
Only Conditioning itw signode means that in the past the fear or discomfort proactive stimulus, in this case, seeing another dog, combined with the repeated one positive thing, ie usually tidbit. As a result, the dog begins itw signode to cause discomfort to see the stimulus gradually itw signode otherwise, that is, it begins to be seen by others dogs as opportunities to earn treats.
Counter Conditioning and systematic siedättäminen must be made as planned, and in locations where conditions can be controlled. At the early stage of training, the owner gets more confidence and experience success. Usually, itw signode the owner will be feeling the situation in control.
Dog punishment for brawl situations, works the opposite way as the counter-conditioning. The dog learns that another dog anticipate seeing a very unpleasant situation and, in the worst case, the physical pain. Punishment or pain in anticipation of raising a dog stress levels, so that it becomes more and more nervous and more difficult to manage.
At first, you should think about what you would like your dog to do a successful overtaking. When the self has a clear picture of the dog, which makes the right thing at the right time, no further replacement is easy to use to start building.
Replacement behavior can be, for example, taking the blind eye contact with another dog and bypassing the contact of the blind is maintained. In practice, it is possible to train a dog to make overtaking any trick, which is confirmed by the good results achieved.
The replacement behavior training is started by searching for reinforcement. Reinforcement is returned, which must be a dog worth pursuing. Best reinforcement is often a tidbit, but it can be anything from a dog to keep.
Eye contact to start the exercise without the presence of other dogs. The dog is rewarded itw signode spontaneous contact with the first inside, then outside, and gradually in the presence of other dogs. The practical training aims to ensure that eye contact is often the dog should be on their own initiative, and would not require any command. The dog is rewarded contact, for example, taking a walk, a cup of food premises, the time of entry and the doors of the car when traveling. The dog is taught eye contact, to ask for permission to do a variety of things.
The goal would be to have eye contact more automatic, so that any surprise to happen, the dog should first think to contact leaders of the blind. When eye contact is going elsewhere and the conditionality is a good point, these two things are combined: the dog will be rewarded only when another itw signode dog after seeing it makes contact with the leaders of the blind.
Many believe that the rähinään can intervene itw signode only when the dog rants. It is contemplated that the learning will take place unless the reaction area. This is not the case. It is the better, the less the fracas training situations, it is, because this is the replacement behavior reinforcement.
You should pay attention to the fact that the training is progressing consistently. itw signode Successes can collect the home in the yard and in easy circumstances. Roughly it can be said that the success of the training depends on two things: the owner of the commitment and successful the number of repetitions. At the beginning will be rewarded for all their successes, will only difficult when overtaking. Training requires perseverance.
At best, the training results are already visible in a week, but in severe cases, in which everything possible has already been tested and the dog is really hard rähisijä, entirely successful overtaking may have to wait up to months. Share on Facebook
Dog with a shopping spree 13.9.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Even if your dog should be friendly towards other dogs, do not still do not get your dog to another

Ansku was young breezy, easy, and social dog like a collie can at best be expected to be. If someone i samuel 17 wants to watch in terms of the nature of the test, which is the nature of the test the judges opinion has been Anskusta, it can be found here. Ansku has thus been utterly uncomplicated and easy dog. Why did I use the word been? In the past, with Ansku was able to leave the yhteislenkeille what kind of dog with a bunch just because Ansku became very thing with the other dogs and enjoy the dog's company. Today, the situation is quite different. Anskua currently i samuel 17 not able to allow play of youth other than the familiar with dogs. Why? Since Ansku afraid.
Ansku afraid nowadays a lot of other dogs. Ansku has begun to be afraid of other dogs because of the numerous irtokoirien. Ansku has been on a few irtokoira. Worst case Ansku toppled to the ground and ripped her back in a panic roaring Anskulta the rear end of hairs tuppoina off before irtokoira was pulled out of the Ansku bundle. Fortunately, Anskulla was colliemaisen bushy housukarvoitus, which probably prevented i samuel 17 a lot of extra damage. Ansku, however, the case went into shock and this is our bad our luck has begun. This Ansku started for the first time stretching other dogs. The tension was not too bad in the bud, until it began to increase almost i samuel 17 regularly every six months irtokoirahyökkäys. Some of the attacks came from the skin up from more were prevented from access to the skin. Ansku pelkoehdollistui However, i samuel 17 time and time again to aggressive irtokoiriin, whether they come up to the skin or just rähjäämään close. Thus, combined with unfamiliar dogs Ansku sense a threat, and thus Ansku began to worry about.
Bud of the contingent of other dogs loops produced good results quickly and Ansku relaxed when you receive future dogs united with food. But when a new irtokoira got to scare Ansku regularly i samuel 17 again and again started pelkoehdollistuminen be very strong. During the past year the work that has been done to facilitate Ansku presence, there is no longer produced results as fast as before. Ansku does not trust strangers with dogs, because of the fear of them is so great. And the new irtokoiran running i samuel 17 again scare Anskua, is the work of the previous irtokoiran aftermath often still in progress when the irtokoirahyökkäyksen aftermath of not only return to square one, but even deeper into the depths of fear.
Ansku react now from a distance, for example, i samuel 17 jogging saw the dog. Then begins a school for some of the feeling from the familiar fight-or-flight response (fight or flight), from which Ansku has chosen to fight in order to survive the frightening situations. When he saw another dog Ansku raise the hairs up, starts to growl and moves very quickly to bark and jump forward / up menacingly towards another dog, unless action is taken vastaehdollistaen and siedättäen. Vastaehdollistamisen and siedättämisen thanks Ansku will be able to get the dogs in spite of her fear beautifully. Defence of the reaction is therefore aimed at trying to be the scarier, so that other dogs do not dare to attack Ansku on. Aggressive and fearless supposedly wildly behavior in the background is still uncertainty and fear.
I got inspired to write on this topic today, on Christmas Eve, 24/12/2013, when another one of irtokoira tried to attack Ansku on. Attack was fortunately prevented Ansku walker prevents great big dog coming Ansku on. However, once the attack seemed overwhelming. In particular, because of the Ansku was able to begin that same link again after a long time to get to react to a sudden came around the corner, growling little dog. It seemed like a large profit that Ansku fear and stress strangers dogs were brought i samuel 17 back to the lengthy effort to decrease well. New irtokoira returned to us, however, is probably at least a starting point, again unless further. It survives then the next loop, the next dog encounter.
Even if your dog should be friendly towards other dogs, do not still do not get your dog to another dog over to another dog without the owner's permission, on a leash at all. If the other dog is afraid, may be your kind of dog are perceived i samuel 17 to add a dog to be afraid of fear and uncertainty toward i samuel 17 other dogs.
If you know your dog's i samuel 17 outgoing free while others unto the dogs, do not keep it free before i samuel 17 you have trained your dog over to a secure income. Recall input will be so sure that your dog turns around and comes back to you, even if the other dog pääsisi surprise you.
It might not seem like much thing, that one of the dog runs free from the leash of the dog over to, barking a few times, but then turns to the end at the invitation of the tenth returned to their owner. Damage did not occur in any person does not bite marks. Such a situation, however, past bad experiences received from the dog to leave its mark on the psychic.
How irtokoi

Monday, September 15, 2014

Connecting to% s

This furniture must be made at a special key conclusion of the bunch. It's called majomököl lot. It's not hard, just requires a little practice. Me for example. the third could properly draw the line.
To make a button furniture on which we have to the following: 1 perforated wooden balls (mine is 4 inches in diameter) approx. 5 m hemp twine (3-4 mm thickness way I used it because it was at home. If thinner you use, you will be repeatedly wound around so long needed) two chopsticks (not in our hands entangled in the cord) something, which the rods are searching. 10cm from the time we can place (maybe a piece of furniture or even wicker basket too) :) anchors (at home lying around, so officially samuel affum I do not know how much, but subsequently measuring the same diameter as the hole, so 6mm. ) screw (thickness of the dowels take. The length depends on the branch thickness. mine 25 mm, so 45 mm long screws chose. The point is that there is no longer the screw, like the branches and the tree balls thickness combined.) washers (optional) glue (the end of the severed ends recording) screwdriver
First, I tried my hand made, but such a large fagolyóval samuel affum not gone, so I chose lollipops solution. samuel affum To do this, take two sticks and something in parallel, each approx. 10 cm stitched into it. This can be anything up to two pots of earth, an earth pots, wicker basket, dry bread ... :) no matter what, just what does the job. The point is that all along he has two parallel chopsticks. He then rolled samuel affum them start the string. I pedaled over seven times in each direction to completely cover the wood part. I am only 4 m rope cut off because he was not home a lot, so it was a long shot, and each of the six button. So I always just ran out step 6 of the obligation, which won the string pulled tight back. The focus is really on összehúzáson and patience to be sufficient, but not inflect because others had described to me.
When you are finished with it, turn the hole with a suitable tool (screwdriver end) to the part where the rope remains are, then this is the anchor for this section and will not be shown. Then cut the remaining ropes just as fewer parts that can be bonded onto the knot.
Similar by renovaturamuhely Registration date: 05/12/2014 | Category: DIY | Tags: Button furniture, samuel affum DIY, furniture knob, making, hemp twine, majomököl lot Entries navigation Insights into my home, that new life adventures of a chest of drawers Furniture Wax and friends or how to choose a topsheet
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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why do you love fishing? secure wrap Because its there. Same reason you do. Get away from the old l

The catfish, bream Pike Lake cichlid ... Live! After all ... it's fishing, and there was no math competition. Boarded the Orion! Cranky competition - so will separate the winners from the last 60-pound carp on a hook - what else might have taken it ?! Who Pilvaxból the start of a far-distant, long cast galaxy ... Far far away in the galaxy longcasting ... I'm not normal, this is guaranteed. You're a fool, boy. Nyögvenyelős Read more ...
Why do you love fishing? secure wrap Because its there. Same reason you do. Get away from the old lady. Because it loves me! I do not "like" it. It's A part of me and who I am. I't like explaining why I like my right arm.
22/02/2013. 10:04 szimix John Smith catfish Tags: blog interesting photo critique fishing culture of life science humor Hungary secure wrap thought writing experience issues catfish pond water river friendly feeling happy corresponds spin fishing catch
John Smith (Sz.J.) Just ask, there are plenty of methods. The surface fishing I prefer, but I use it a couple of válfaját. No amount of catfish that can not be fooled, just patience and tactics questions. secure wrap The hook is óvatosabbakat to cheat or to be offered only in accordance with the bait several times a year. This has shown me a couple of examples, a 217c-2x I took last night (April and August), two different places, different surface method. Which will excite the troll of the catfish, it also has plenty of tricks up the bevontatásnál, even the choice of plugs, diversion. Sz.I.: Now that the spring waters how to find them, where to look for the catfish? Sz.J.: The onset of spring warms the water, and is it well known that low water warms sooner than the deeper parts, such csalihalak instinctively when they visit the warmer waters, and particularly the opening of their wedding. Catfish are doing their duty to follow secure wrap the food wedge bream in shallow waters. secure wrap Mid March / weather dependent / begin to literally eat this up, this time more aggressively feed on the big as well. At this time, welcome to visit the area around the inlets and even server farm is there because the water always carry them easily accessible food. Spring flooding is a magnet for influence them, literally around locks. April is the best month for me, this time in full swing yet aggressive diet, I'm going to benefit the catfish at this time. It is not uncommon to 4-5 harcsakapás one night, but it was the example of 11 pieces each caught a night, between 15-45kg. During this period, the roaches spawning takes place, which lasts a few days, then up to a mass of them may appear to remove secure wrap the csemegéből. This period is still attention, secure wrap as starts, fishing all along, if I can. In this case, the effective method to fade, Stupid, buoys, secure wrap different methods of surface breakup BAITFISH live. If this is the main food, the soft-bodied lures indifferent in my experience. secure wrap Of course, this does not mean that they are not received, if it has, probably will pick up, but a babbling figyelemfelkeltőbb much bait as the example. gilisztacsokor. Sz.I.: What is this, the outfit? Sz.J.: As a main buoy fishing, it is simple, there is weight on the bottom of the buoy, and twine, and there is a body, then another string, which is located at the end of a clip, which kapásnál trip. Equipment: a simple főzsinóron 300-400gr-inch swimming under 1cm rubber bead 3p, and 200gr V lead, again bead 80-100kg carabiner question. This hang the people, I will make you feel 130 mono, braided, or 100, this is the hook 1-1 1 or 2 or 1 x 1 + 1 3. The hooks 8 1/0 to 10/0 in the triple size 4 / 0-6 / 0th Owner or VMC, but there are many good hook. The main line is always spun from 0.50 to 0.89 to 0.65 but the ideal -100kg therefore, it requires to be expected close to 100 catfish where pecázom. So it matters a lot to be tired, I cut immediately after full brake force do - there is no leakage semmi-, to be a strong stick, strong reliable secure wrap reel, line, hooks. Breakup: I use this often, secure wrap it is limited to the rig rotary, and is subject to the főzsinóron. I will make the headland into 0.20-0.25 Series Mono and untie it the opposite stéglábra, protruding tree branches, etc. nádfalra. then put them on the stick and the bottartóba tightens the line, the bait will veretni the surface, if caught catfish, secure wrap mono fails. PS: The tip of each rod estb look at the sky. Dob I use the 3.9-inch 3.5 lbs boilies botjaimmal harcsázni intend to, but I think that a lot of the 100kg breaking. How many meters tekersz to strong fonottból? At the same time several hundred, or enough to 100-130 m, is it? Sz.J.: You may also remember almost no matter what terrain horgászol, including broken or dead matter in the vicinity. You can not pull it hard, and you're secure wrap not in control, but the catfish. We can not be too strong braided together! I can hold an average of 0.60 from 250m to orsóimra, but the Rhino's 450m 0.60. 250m because of the need to have so that bójázok far, from 100-150, and by the time I get there quickly runs off the pole for the rest, if you do not listen. Coast, which has very good