One of the most common problem behavior that drives owners with their dogs training course, it is remmissä rähjääminen. Leisurely jogging buddy sudden deformation remmiräyhän possessed rakiksi to tighten the belt, but also walker nerves. When the dog pulls the corners of the mouth foam dripping and heady barking cuts through the air, rising to one or another of the belt behind the two-legged hanging cheeks a healthy red. At home, mulling over why not exhausted your own hair ear to behave as they are all goody and obedient dogs. How do they do it correctly? Background
Remmiräyhä is usually transmitted rope braid tutorial to dogs that do not know how to behave in a given situation. Some dogs tend to avoid the situations to the last by pulling rope braid tutorial themselves away from the vastaantulijasta turn tail between depressed. Others make themselves so threatening that the entrants rope braid tutorial to understand the means of self-preservation, keep your distance. In some cases, remmissä räyhääminen can also be dog aggressive way to defend themselves, their owner or his territory. In the background is a dog need to stay ready for action in a situation where it is uncertain. The dog does not, therefore, be able to relax a given stimulus, usually another dog, in the presence of.
Remmissä rähjääviin dogs should be treated aggressively. Even if the dog is not at home or when free in would not hurt a fly, belt away from the situation may be different. Groundwork must be done carefully before you can let your dog make a closer acquaintance of the suspicious object. Behavior rope braid tutorial can have many different factors that must be investigated carefully before training, for example, a problem with a dog trainer in order to address the correct behavior of the underlying issues. What and how to train?
Remmiräyhän kesytyksellä in this käyttäytymisketjua, wherein the trigger dog detects a trouble-making factor and chooses to follow the walker sekoamisen instead. The aim is that the dog do not need a separate command, but the dog learns to anticipate situations and solve them independently. The aim is not glassy forward-looking and walking robot, nor the continuous command under the next dog.
Training practices are as much as a trainer, and they range from mostly kuristuspannoista and water bottles to other methods of punishment. The fact that the dog is punished for wrong behavior, do not tell it how it should work. The penalty can be a dog in mind also combine different matter than was intended. While the owner would want to communicate to your dog, that growls and barking is not right, the dog can be combined rope braid tutorial with the oncoming dog pain around rope braid tutorial his neck and the owner's negative reaction. If the oncoming dog is remmiräyhän view of all evil root, it may be trying next time to keep away from the oncoming more powerful than the behavior. rope braid tutorial
Some people use a training method called. imuttamista, where the dog's muzzle in front of the device to the goodies to make it keksittyisi just smell the tasty treats and would leave the environment ignored. This method may work for some dogs, but it is essential to move as quickly as possible to the fact that the dog can not keep eye contact with the owner, for example bypass period. Long-term rope braid tutorial assistance remmiräyhän domestication offers rope braid tutorial a systematic siedättäminen and counter-conditioning.
Systematic siedättäminen (systematic desensitization, SD) refers to behavior modification method in which an individual is exposed to low doses and at a sufficient distance reaction-inducing stimulus for so long that the stimulus beyond that level may no longer be the individual to respond. Dog training, this may mean, for example, that the dog is exported to a couple of hundred meters rope braid tutorial away from even a dog park, and when the dog does not react to the dog park to the dogs, but relaxes. A few step by step move in closer to the dog park until finally there is the park behind the fence.
Conditioning counter (counter-conditioning CC) is a behavioral modification, wherein the previously interpreted stimulus may be negative positive meaning, for example by means of pay, or vice versa. In practice, this means for example, that the dog always gets a lot of very good salary when it sees it as a certain suspicious-looking dumpster for a certain stretch of road. Remuneration is essential that the dog is rewarded only when it is relaxed. This way the dog can be combined with the presence of a suspicious dumpster and relaxation just the very good delicacy. If the dog tense up or react, it is taken out of the situation and tried again the dog calmed down, so that the distance from the trigger factor is greater.
Systematic siedättäminen and counter-conditioning to produce good and relatively permanent results within a reasonable time. If a dog with practicing each loop,
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