Wednesday, January 28, 2015

To all of my friends who have fought tirelessly plastic wrap dispenser at our sides, I ask you to m

And when the June 30, 1960 and the speech of Patrice Emery Lumumba, Prime Minister plastic wrap dispenser of the first government of the DRC are or will be told to the present and future generations, only the speech delivered by him, that day has Given the road over the past 50 years and is or will be for all Congolese common base of reference for a united Congo, Congo a sovereign, independent Congo, plastic wrap dispenser Congo developing a ...!
It was once the date of 30 June 1960: Date hinge that had put an indelible plastic wrap dispenser mark on the history of Congo inspired by the speech delivered by Patrice Emery Lumumba as paternalistic and condescending reply to speech of King Baudouin I of Belgium which welcomed for offering its royal magnanimity plastic wrap dispenser '' independence '' as a gift to the Congolese.
This speech founder of sovereign Congo, plastic wrap dispenser symbol of the permanent aspiration plastic wrap dispenser of the Congolese plastic wrap dispenser people to dignity and freedom for that nothing is as before, had meant to the world, that day of 30 June 1960, that 'independence '' plastic wrap dispenser was torn and was the result of a long struggle that had imposed sacrifices of a whole people determined to get rid of colonial rule embodied by daily humiliation, racial slurs, wrongful convictions, lashes ...!
June 30, 2010: "The King Baudouin's already dead, long live the King Albert! "And plastic wrap dispenser history plastic wrap dispenser repeats itself! This inspired speech had marked the actions of implementation pathways to lead to living a true independence for all generations! But after 50 years of independence, to the day, the conclusion is bitter: Congo Patrice Emery Lumumba has not taken off, the evils prevailing in the aftermath of that historic date, insidiously and strong presence in the collective mind Congolese and at all levels! Congolese do not want to become mentally adults, there many who refuse to think for themselves and who base their hope of salvation through recolonization by former Belgian colonizers!
In fact, until 30 June 2010, after 50 years of management by the neo-colonial system that had been to enslave the Congolese people plastic wrap dispenser through their henchmen Congolese imposed in power to serve the interests that are not theirs as defined in the speech of 30 June 1960 by Patrice Emery Lumumba, plastic wrap dispenser Congo has made a great leap backwards to the starting square.
The Collective Congolese for the Promotion and Dissemination of speech June 30, 1960 ELP (CCPD June 30, 60) works to maintain and promote the permanence of the content state of mind in the liberating speech of 30 June 1960. Under Executive Lumumbists ideological comrades, comrades: Jean-Kalama Ilunga Yambuya Kibesi Pierre, Jean-Jacques Ngangweshe, a translation of the original plastic wrap dispenser French text was performed in 6 languages including: FRENCH - LINGALA - ENGLISH - Swahili - Kikongo plastic wrap dispenser - Chiluba.
Following the speech of Patrice Emery Lumumba, only heritage programm e-policy without which Congolese continue plastic wrap dispenser to turn around and be turned into donkey if they take ownership as a tool and thread to reach the common goal of Reference: development and break the cycle politician maintained for 50 years to the day
To all of my friends who have fought tirelessly plastic wrap dispenser at our sides, I ask you to make this June 30, 1960 shows a date that you will keep indelibly engraved in your hearts, a date that you teach proudly meaning to your children, so that they in turn make known their son and their son grandchildren the glorious history of our struggle for freedom.
For this independence of the Congo, if it is proclaimed today in agreement with Belgium, a friendly country with whom we deal as equals, no Congolese worthy of the name will never be forgotten that it is through struggle it was conquered, a struggle plastic wrap dispenser every day, an ardent and idealistic fight, a struggle in which we have spared neither forces nor our hardship, nor our suffering, nor our blood. It is a struggle plastic wrap dispenser that was tears, fire and blood, we are proud of the depths of ourselves, for it was a noble and just struggle, an indispensable struggle to end the humiliating slavery which we had imposed by force.
We experienced the work

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