Monday, April 7, 2014

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That's what we'll talk now. Bread made with white flour and yeast. samuel & co Bread with thick crispy crust and a soft sweet core that instantly absorbs oil and lump brings happy flavors. Yes, I know it takes longer but is more labor intensive than any bread. Bread wants attention and monitoring. And if ever the preparation of sourdough bread with you it seemed an impossible task, then review the following notes to help you do your white bread with leaven. samuel & co
Motherhood was the most appropriate time to attempt to leaven bread. Long I was wrong, but a matter of my reader, concerning the maintenance and activation of yeast I think on some issues, so I started making sourdough par with it, so I can give detailed samuel & co guidance in relation to my observations while day after day Power leaven, finally activated, and was ready for the preparation of bread. And so I was raised leaven, samuel & co why not make bread. And so it began, so far. Preparation wholemeal baguettes, then baguettes with spelled flour and type, then baguettes with white flour, then a great white bread, bagels then again ... I left the dough in the refrigerator overnight after rising and before samuel & co rising. Messi hand and in the static mixer. Liska water into the oven and spraying the walls. I played with degrees. samuel & co Playing with vessels for rising and baking. And I have yet many things to try. Such as to allow the dough to a higher hydration. To get involved without yeast and leave it in the fridge for the night, where the enzymes will work to taste it, and then he added the yeast and salt. Try sweet and rich in fat dough with leaven. No, I do not get bored. But let's start from the beginning. How to make sourdough? You can read the first post about sourdough bread. Now I have to make a few notes. Unlike before, now supports leaven with denser texture, not as boza and slightly thick. Power it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening), but if this is impossible for some, maybe twice (morning and evening) with a large amount of flour or three times again, but not at regular intervals (morning, night immediately after work and later in the evening before sleep). Usually, from the beginning of the preparation of the yeast until the moment at which it is active and ready for kneading the bread pass for 6 days. Can be 5 may 7, here accuracy is irrelevant, it's all about the conditions, so the yeast should be monitored. While the yeast is activated by feeding it with flour and water, its quantity increases, which in turn requires more flour and more water. Therefore, third-fourth day of the first, half the quantity of future leaven may be discarded samuel & co and to continue to supply the remaining half. This is only the first time. The following times of the active yeast will go for the preparation of bread, so it will be possible to maintain the same amount of it. What flour to use for yeast? All Natural (no impurities) flours are. I started this sourdough rye flour. Switched to whole wheat flour, then powered spelled. Now support with white flour and all is well with yeast, respectively, and the bread made with it. How do I know that the yeast is active? He knows that he is ready for the following signs: 1. As viewed from the side jars have formed many bubbles. 2. On the surface are also formed bubbles, but if the yeast is more dense, it can not be seen. Then using a spoon passes on its surface, to remove the top layer and the bottom mixture should look like a sponge - effervescent. 3. At the same displacement of the upper layer with the spoon should be audible shuptene. 4. Leaven Mireille slightly sour but not bad. How do I keep the yeast? Leaven is supported by an active system power with flour and water. Since the preparation of a dose of bread to go next several days, even weeks, maintaining active by leaven power three times per day is associated with spending (flour and water) and time. So after paying the right amount samuel & co for making bread, Power remainder samuel & co yeast in the jar and placing it back in the fridge. There he falls asleep and can stand without power about 1 week. Before coming to the next row making bread, leaven must be removed at least one day in advance and be fed at least 2-3 times to activate again. When kneaded bread with sourdough? When you have active yeast and free day. If the yeast was in the fridge, he brings at least one day in advance and fed several times until activated again. It is desirable for an hour or two before knead bread leavened powered. Time that average should be paid

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