Glinolechenieto is one of the most effective agents for skin diseases (gray, white, etc.) it has exceptional properties - to extract the disease inside. There are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. Clay adheres tightly to the skin and increases blood circulation and regenerates skin tissue. Typically, for the treatment of various skin diseases make lotions, packs, and masks or poultices.
Directions: Apply to affected areas, cover the top with stretch film for 30-40 minutes and put on pajamas to adhere to the body. Wash as moisten the particles of clay with a cotton swab. Remove gently without rubbing the skin.
Method of preparation: Clay powder is dissolved in hot boiled reggiatrice water, then potavya hot water bath, stirred constantly with a wooden spoon or spatula to avoid the formation of lumps and then cooled.
Directions: Apply to affected areas with the help of a spatula in a thick layer and cover the top with plastic wrap or foil dress shirt or wrap for 10-15 minutes. Remove with lukewarm water with a pinch of salt. Take 2 -3 times a day for 6-7 days and do six days rest and repeat a cure.
Directions for use: Apply a thick layer wooden spatula over gauze and cover skin for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully remove and wash with warm boiled water or a weak solution of salt. Take 1-2 times a morning-evening - a total of 5 days during the day. If necessary, repeat the applications to complete disappearance of skin diseases.
Knead clay with coarse salt in a 1:1 ratio with a density of cream. reggiatrice The resulting mixture was applied on the affected skin for 4-6 hours and then washed with hot water. The procedure was performed 1 time per day. Treatment procedures last from 7-14 days. The course may be repeated after two weeks vacation.
Rp: 16 Fungal diseases of the skin. TechnostGlina 250ml and 1 tbsp of 9% vinegar and mix thoroughly. The mixture was applied to affected areas for 4-5 hours, then washed with hot water. The procedure was carried reggiatrice out daily, 1 times a day for 14 days. After 2-3 weeks of rest, treatment can be repeated.
Preparation: Clay powder is dissolved in a cup of warm boiled water and honey, warmed in a water bath, stirring neprekasnato.Glinata must acquire the consistency of cream. Leave to cool.
Directions for use: Apply a thick layer wooden spatula over gauze and cover time dpat free, and isolated skin for 10-15 minutes. Place foil and cloth top. Leave the compress for 15-20 minutes, then carefully remove and wash the skin with warm boiled voda.Kompresa reggiatrice is made on the skin at least 3 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment reggiatrice - 5 days every other day with a break of 10 days, followed by a second course.
Preparation: Clay powder is dissolved in a cup of warm boiled water and honey, warmed in a water bath, stirring neprekasnato.Glinata must acquire the consistency of cream. Allow to cool and add the honey.
Directions for use: Apply a thick layer wooden spatula over gauze and cover skin for 10-15 minutes. reggiatrice Place foil and cloth top. Leave the compress for 15-20 minutes, then carefully remove and wash with warm boiled water. Repeat this process at least 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment - 5 days every other day with a break of 10 days, followed by a second reggiatrice course.
Directions for use: Apply a thick layer of the mixture with a wooden spatula over gauze and cover time dpat free, and isolated skin for 10-15 minutes. Place foil and cloth top. Leave the compress for 15-20 minutes, then carefully remove and wash the skin with warm boiled voda.Kompresa is made on the skin at least 3 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment - 5 days every other day with a break of 10 days, followed by a second course.
Directions for use: Apply a thick layer of the mixture with a wooden spatula over gauze and cover skin for 10-15 minutes. Place foil and cloth top. Leave the compress for 15-20 minutes, then carefully remove and wash with warm boiled water and a little salt. Compression is done at least 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment - 5 days every other day with a break of 10 days, followed by a second course.
Preparation: Pour the dry herbs with boiling tincture Celandine Chamomile and ribwort. Leave 40 minutes and strain through cheesecloth. Add clay powder. Adjust the consistency with a little clay or water.
Directions for use: Apply a thick layer of the mixture with a wooden spatula over gauze and cover time dpat free, and isolated skin for 10-15 minutes. Place foil and cloth top. Leave the compress for 15-20 minutes, then carefully remove and wash the skin with warm boiled reggiatrice water and a little salt. Compression is made on the skin at least two times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment - 5
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