Sunday, October 19, 2014

Police Vocational Schools are schools in the 2-year associate degree level education. This school t

Tier N contained in the police force police officers are law enforcement officers. There are two ways to become a police officer. The first way to graduate from high school graduates is the Police Vocational College. The other way through some training of university graduates cheap rope is a police officer. cheap rope
Police Vocational Schools are schools in the 2-year associate degree level education. This school to apply for the requirements of the TC to be a citizen, graduated from high school or high school in the last year reading to the age of 18 after completing commissioned age correction taken into account to undergraduate or college graduates for the exam the year of October, cheap rope on the first day as the military cheap rope make men and women candidates to the age of 18 and 24 years of age to have received his military service did male candidates cheap rope inside if 26 years old or have received any education institution for lack of discipline have been removed, being for women and 165 for men and 167 centimeters shorter than not, and body mass index of 15 ( included) and 30 (inclusive), being any political party or political party branch members to not to have alcohol, drug or substance abuse treatment cheap rope for damaged or sees not, health status in terms of 04.08.2003 dated and 25189 numbered Official Gazette Police Health Conditions Directive located in the health conditions move, the brothels, birleşmeev, the brothel alone prostitution residential cheap rope and similar intermediation and bekleyicilik type of business not to have contrary to public morality play, representation, film, video tape, tape, VCD, lyrics and development of technology associated with harmful publication, broadcast and similar work in jobs because of administrative sanctions and criminal cheap rope investigation and prosecution continues not or work due to have been convicted of this crime in any of the amicable finalized or still these crimes in any of the Regarding the court decided not to postpone the verdict to be translated into measures or another, dated 09.26.2004 and numbered 5237 article 53 of the Turkish Penal Code, even if the period specified in the past; The maximum prison sentence of one year or more intentional crimes with prescribed dated 07.14.1965 and 6 of the Civil Servants Law No. 57 48 / A-because of the offenses specified in Article 5; pardoned or prohibited rights given back even if the conviction not to have the verdict postponing the decision to not become cheap rope or continue a prosecution not to have or prosecution agreement concluded cheap rope with not being public rights to use the deprivation and having relation with military service not to have Health Conditions provisions of the Regulation, except Police Vocational College came from for any reason, or not removed, Safety Investigation and Archival Research to be positive.
Candidates with the required conditions by the Office of the Police Academy Police requested from the university entrance exam for the year exceed the threshold score record may enroll in the Police Vocational College. Students who graduate from pmyo another without the need to take the exam as soon as you graduate to work as a police officer in the police immediately begin
Another cheap rope way to become a Police Police Vocational Training Centers (not PO). College graduates (including cheap rope the Open University) can be applied to police training in these centers is given for 6 months. Police Vocational Training Center to apply for the desired general conditions: Republic of Turkey to become a citizen, at least four years of higher education institutions or their equivalence Board of Higher Education adopted by the foreign higher education institutions to graduate, Evaluation and selection of the first day, as of the military has not always men and women For applicants 27 years of age, military service made for male applicants 29 years of age have received (18 years after completing commissioned age correction adjustments in prior years are taken into account.), Application before cheap rope and during application; brothel, the joint appointment, home alone, and in places such as prostitution cheap rope through the housing, and the like bekleyicilik to have a preoccupation; prostitution, gambling, narcotics or stimulants as a result of any judicial cheap rope or administrative investigation or prosecution continues not to administrative sanctions avoid or have been convicted, any of them through consensus finalized or still any of them in connection with the court verdict to postpone the decision not given to or other measures cheap rope translated into being, for men, 167 cm for women 165 cm shorter than not, and no disease, irrespective of body mass index of 18 (inclusive) and 27 (inclusive) being, health status in terms of four / 8/2003 and published in the Official Gazette No. 25189 Emniy

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