Monday, October 6, 2014

Possible if there were more and more fire engines fire extinguishing material were unable to contro

Fire Culture | sting
Pages 1 to 13 on the news pages of the newspaper "Haaretz" dedicated morning (Friday) to cover the Carmel fire. Coverage includes all the elements of previous stories of disasters in the Israeli media: it reported and no timely warnings hour; These could have been prevented and did nothing; The auditor warned of the lack of appropriate measures; Finance chopping for financial reasons; Fire lighters disrespect for the law; Economic damage; And, of course, terrible stories from survivors samuel insull and rescuers, heroic stories samuel insull about the sacrifice of life for others, the public and civic mobilization samuel insull in favor of the evacuees, and eventual damage flora and fauna.
Repetitive elements provide important division Hmlhita drama in which the characters samuel insull are divided into the good, bad and helpless victims. The good ones are super good, because they sacrificed their lives for others, and the bad guys are either causing horror or those who could prevent it but did nothing. Advertisements are the only remaining neutral, as mere background music but necessary. Prediction: it will be hot and dangerous
However, these advertisements have an indirect samuel insull role in this fire and necessary, these fires as well as we have come to the worse, precisely because their role is indirect and can appear neutral. Advertisements are part of a story in which many among us, including this writer, are taking part in it.
The extensive coverage of this all there is not even one article that includes a word about one of the main and most central Maybe that enabled this horror - global warming. Of course there were fires in the past, when the Earth was cooler, but one of the predictions of scientists for decades samuel insull warning of global warming, the perpetrators and the possibilities for change, it fires more frequent and more intense heat up areas will occur.
Some places may actually cool off and others get very hot when the average total cost. When I was a kid rain began to fall in October and sometimes in September and now we are in December and the sun is overhead summer sun. As prolonged samuel insull hot and dry longer, increasing quantities of material combustion, such as dry leaves, accumulate and provide greater fire conditions and widespread than ever before. That is, the necessary conditions for the coup of ordinary fires occur frequently terrible fires occur frequently made possible because samuel insull of global warming.
Possible if there were more and more fire engines fire extinguishing material were unable to control the fire, but what would happen if there were two such fires in the country at the same time? What if three? Is even then it was enough? samuel insull There is no doubt that it is better to have more fire trucks, samuel insull firemen and better than extinguishing materials, and it would be better if they were taking preventive measures such as removal of waste land and even the creation of separate tracks and more. However, you need to understand primarily is the pretension of modern western nature take over and navigate at will is unfounded and is part of Western arrogance.
Now, we get the finger. It's time to look for better solutions than those of the West offers us not go blindly in the dark. Conditions created by global warming encourages wildfires everywhere and not just in the woods, with a fire-and without them, with or without extinguishing materials.
Why global warming is happening? The do know for several decades - because of the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Emissions of carbon dioxide are the result, more or less, of almost all the things that people enjoy doing modern affluence. This is because almost everything we do in daily life involves power and it is still based primarily on the burning of materials (coal and gas, for example), releasing oxygen and carbon bi-on wind and solar energy is clean and safe.
Prof. Dan Rabinowitz defines humankind burning man - gay Kombustans. He writes on his blog today about how the Carmel fire, as other extensive fires, not just stem from global warming but also contribute to her feedback mechanism strengthens the warming.
When major fire understand this story is not all the elements of human drama that the Israeli media recycles from one disaster, but the story of global warming, you can go back and associate advertisements story and alleged apathy apparent neutrality. Way of life based on the characteristic of our time growing desire samuel insull to improve the standard samuel insull of living in the narrow sense of an increase in consumption, measured in financial terms of GDP narrow-minded. Claim permanent governmental institutions samuel insull and global organizations require an increase in GDP levels of production and consumption are growing constantly pollute the atmosphere . Now it turns out the real cost of this policy. The atmosphere is not indifferent excessive emissions of CO2. She responds intensities only international cooperation can (perhaps) to deal with.
This story is convoluted and longer than the recycled story of disasters in the Israeli media. There are far more responsible samuel insull for global warming and therefore the Carmel fire. This is not only waters sparked the fire or the Treasury chopping budgets. Ie, those that encourage the consumption - publicists, journalists, stock market investors, financiers, Treasury officials, members of the Knesset and government, corporations, energy industry, automotive, insurance, heads of state and international organizations that push a policy samuel insull that assumes that financial growth is the goal of modern society. However, responsibility also rests on all consumers, and heavy between them than others. Know more, consume less
There is very little good and bad in this story, samuel insull but there are a lot of ignorance. Most people are to some degree samuel insull in the scale of catastrophic climate warranty only reality we started to see the results. There are innocent victims and those of the poorest among us - not contaminating the atmosphere samuel insull but suffer its worst consequences. Not only in terms of global control mechanisms and state-level prevailing today, we have no choice but to watch mostly responsible for the climate change, ie, "bad", take responsibility and change direction, ie turn to & qu

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