One of the literary titles on which the community of readers of the British monthly magazine The Wire in recent years inevitably hums certainly the doctorate on John Cage Chicago stege musician David Grubbs, lecturer at the College Conservatory in Brooklyn. Already because the Grubbs last 20 years one of the iconic figures of this paper is that despite the relatively small circulation is present, recognized and respected in all cultural centers and spheres of interest of the Western cultural circle, and unlike many other music magazines, exclusively engaged in music (!), not the music industry ... The first steps made Eighties as frontman Squirrel Bait, Bastro then, on whose first album as rhymes mentions 'cevapcici', grabbing the vocals and electric stege guitar and organ. Between these two bands, a short time we were visited by a group Bitch Magnet, and the second time alone as a songwriter, stege 2008, and on that occasion joined the Stockholm Chamber 'improvised' quartet Boots Brown. To call it just a mere musician-musicologist, strictly speaking, stege it would be unfair, because Grubbs area of activity reaches the music publishing. The label released the Blue Chopsticks, for example, at least two unavoidable albums from the discography Mats Gustafsson: duet Apertura where i'm playing stege the harmonium, and Windows stege solo tribute soprano-saxophonist Steve Lacy. And before he devoted himself to a solo career, the nineties was in a group Gastr del Sol, with producer and guitarist Jim O'Rourke, known as the fifth member of the group Sonic Youth (nota bene, O'Rourke turn his doctorate in Japanese stege cinema defended in Japan - in Japanese). The interesting thing is that the rhythm section of the band were later founders of the group Tortoise, epitoma post-rock.
The book Records Ruin the Landscape: John Cage, the Sixties, and Sound Recording, Grubbs deals with the central figure of the so-called. Avant-garde in the United States and its reception today, through stege questions that diverges itself problematic contemporary media, nadopunivši the bibliography of the epoch in which the author himself left a noticeable mark. These five issues are also themes chapters of this study, very revalued famous sentence Warhol sentence about five minutes of fame, in its more recent modification of five megabytes of fame, in the words of the English composer and music writer Dan Warburton. In five chapters Grubbs and shared the book, juxtaposing Cage's ideas and some specific people that have put certain concepts and systems resented, or simply with his own had collided, but for life.
So the first part we meet Cage's contemporaries, stege Henry Flynt, composer and violinist, and anti-art activist who was already in the early '60s protested against MOMA and Stockhausen. With only one officially published edition, bow hung on a peg in 1984 to discography came to life only for 20 years. Harvest in practice, obviously, was far ahead of his time - as violinist performed the despised hillbilly which was considered low culture, as a multi-instrumentalist did not bypass about proto-punk, while the general public impression was that a member of the Fluxus movement of the sixties ... from published essays and manifestos, and was considered a 'folk artist', which is a genre rich ethos of contemporary music, which is in direct opposition to European composers who are classics, or romanticism, enriched by elements of folk music. stege Although Grubbs does not explicate, in the postwar period until the late '70s, stege America is considered the Mensheviks of Western culture; and Cage, as protej American avant-garde and unwittingly blowing the trumpet of the Frankfurt School, stege justifying and recurring stege stereotypes of European musicology ... So i Flynt contemporaries Tony Conrad and John Cale and La Monte Young, stege all of them key figures of Minimalism, because of its flirtation with jazz and rock, met resistance both academic and avant-garde community. Of course, Flint will interview for Radio WFMU in the late Nineties, too soon shocked to react to the emergence of intellectual youth who listens and equal country and contemporary music ...
Opening the problems of the media, and teaching at the same time, and modern readers, especially those who are digitally skipped classes analog domain (vinyl, cassette, CD), the scope of Cage's statements about the concept of 'landscape' of the title, prof. Grubbs interpreted in two ways; First, describe the constellation of the moment in the culture, and secondly, the landscape as a metaphor, resistant to aging, refers to the cycle of plate experimental music Imaginary Landscape of the Cage. One 'destroy countryside', considered a composer, because it erased what personal experience, stege what your surroundings. Thus Spake by the Zagreb Music Biennale 1963, a man who, lest we forget, the sixties had a certain political influence. He was juxtaposed concrete music composer Luc Ferrari, who is his most famous piece of almost anything on the tape recorder
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