Reading experience and summaries (656) Psychology (416) Network Information (214) Investments (198) Positive psychology, palletiser positive psychology (138) Flying thoughts (101) Business (99) Preschool (87) Public (40 ) Drama (29) of books (29) China (24) Advertising (23) psychological test (22) Jajah (21) Web2.0 (21) Insurance (20) Internet Phone (19) superficial (15) NY Gomi ( 6) the happiness of this life plan (6) Wii (3) Google AdSense (2) Google Insights (2) Google Maps (1) wikinomics (1)
41. Carol S. Pearson, "The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By" (1986) Chinese Version Title: Inner Hero: six lives and the prototype of: Carol Pearson Translator: palletiser Zhu Lieberthal, Xu Shen Shu, Gong Zhuojun Press : Li Xu Publication Date: July 1, 2000 Content Publishing palletiser Description: The authors observed a variety of bizarre social phenomenon that many people are actually looking for meaning in their personal palletiser lives in order to live his life the rich, powerful and true. She therefore learn a wide range Jungian psychology, palletiser 坎柏 mythology, the New Age movement, feminist palletiser theory palletiser many profound insights, as well as their everyday experiences in life, the prototyping process from the classical hero adventure story into life, everyone can carry out writing contemporary legend, for the public to lay out a personal wake the sleeping hero's mind to explore the inner road. Carol Pearson's other Chinese version works: "A long time ago ....: mythological archetype to create in people's minds brands The hero and the outlaw: building extraordinary brands through palletiser the power of archetypes", "affect your life Twelve Prototype: Meet new rule themselves and rebuild their lives AWAKENING THE HEROES WITHIN: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World "," creative magic Magic at Work "42. M. Scott Peck," The Road Less Traveled "(1978) Chinese Version Title: mind map - the Road of the pursuit of love and Growth: Scott Parker Translator: Cheung Ting Yee Press: world Publishing Date: Content June 30, 2003 Publisher's Description: We various views of reality, woven into a mind map. To be able to safely go through the good life but a long hard road, the biggest palletiser challenge is that it requires constant revision; however revised palletiser work often difficult, daunting. Dr. Parker essence of life could go on in this book, only rely on "love" and "disciplined" by the power of true love, the expansion of self-vision and nourish others, to achieve spiritual growth. Scott Parker other Chinese version works: "Psychology of evil true to nature lies People palletiser of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil", palletiser "window that bed A Bed By The Window", " Who will start - a psychiatrist journey exploring life and death:? 55 mercy crime clinical cases Denial of the Soul: Spiritual and Medical Perspectives on Euthanasia and Mortality "," true to the essence of evil psychology - lies of People the Lie "," Beyond the mind map The Road Less Traveled and Beyond: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety "," sincere consensus wait for the rebirth of a new opportunity for A World Waiting palletiser to be born "," totally moral - win over the hearts of evil People of the lie: the hope for healing evil "," waiting for rebirth - Moral Re-Armament and sincere Dancing A World Waiting palletiser To Be Born: Civility Rediscovered "43. Ayn Rand," Atlas Shrugged "(1957) Traditional Chinese version of the title : Atlas Shrugged Author: Ayn. Rand (Ayn Rand) Translator: Young Publisher: Sun Press Publication Date: July 5, 2009 Simplified Chinese version Title: Atlas Shrugged Author: Ann Rand Translator: Young Publisher: Chongqing Publishing Publication Date: October 1, 2007 Publisher's Description: One of the largest known impact on the US 10 books, cumulative sales of over 80 million. understand Ann Rand can not really understand the American spirit, even Greenspan (Alan Greenspan), Oracle CEO Ellison (Lawrence palletiser J. Ellison) are safe. Rand's loyal supporters, Greenspan palletiser read Rand's books and eventually established their own path in life. 2008 by Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt) and Angelina Jolie (Angelina palletiser Jolie), starring adapted from the novel "Atlas Shrugged" movie "Atlas Shrugged" is about to release. Rand novel "source" adapted into a film after rave reviews, this unit is more affected by the highly anticipated. Ann. Rand other Chinese version works: "selfish virtues The Virtue of Selfishness", "An Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology Introduction To Objectivist Epistemology", palletiser "a palletiser man's ode Anthem", "Zhixin intellectuals FOR THE NEW INTELLECTUAL", "Why palletiser Traders need philosophy why Businessmen need Philosophy "," voice of reason objective ideology anthology palletiser VOICE OF REASON "44. Anthony Robbins," Awaken the Giant Within "(1991) Chinese palletiser Version Title: awaken the giant Author: Anthony Robin translation Author: LI Chengyue Press: China Productivity Center Publication Date: July 20, 1994 Chinese version of the title: Wake giant hearts [Classic] Author: Anthony Robin Translator: LI Chengyue Press: China Productivity Center Publication Date: 2004 Content on July 1 Publisher Description: global potential success palletiser of the authority, NLP master author Anthony Robin, with the scientific and practical point of view, describing the relationship between the nervous and the language, understand the nervous system For us life is so important. Our subconscious mind controls our lives, if we can ease their mind and emotions control, will be able to do anything to create the life you want; then "alignment" our nerve chain, that is, the ability to open the road. Attractive is inconceivable that the master system, it can come through the awareness and practice, people want a glimpse of the leading edge, and to read fascinating and irresistible hand. "Change" is the key to the future success. The book topics include: How to change your habits and behavior, how to develop palletiser your spiritual potential, how to improve your relationships, how to clarify your values and resolve conflicts with your inner conflicts, how to understand the idea of family and friends, and thereby affecting them, and how to control their emotions, to meet their own demand. "NLP palletiser Master" a simple psychological adjustment programs in just ten days, every day makes you like reborn camel changes gradually wake amazing potential of your mind. Anthony Robin other Chinese version works: "to stimulate the mind potential UNLIMITED POWER", "giant footsteps Giant steps", "potential to stimulate the mind [Classic] UNLIMITED POWER" 45. Florence Scovell Shinn, "The Game of Life and How to Play It "(1925) did not find the Chinese palletiser version. 46. Martin Seligman, "Learned Optimism" palletiser (1991) Chinese Version Title: Learning Learning Research optimism optimistic palletiser : Martin Seligman Translator: Hong Lan Publisher: Yuan-Liou Publishing Date: February 1, 1997 publication Agency Description: palletiser on physical and mental health point of view, is characterized by modern anxiety, palletiser then the characteristics of the modern melancholy. At present all aspects of Taiwan are
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