Monday, August 11, 2014

If the difference in the profile text below and a PDF document PDF document strapped applies. 755/2

If the difference in the profile text below and a PDF document PDF document strapped applies. 755/2011 Nr. 755/2011 July 8, 2011 Regulation of selection and sale of alcoholic beverages and trade terms with suppliers. strapped CHAPTER
The role of regulation is to determine and explain the selection of the Alcohol and Tobacco Monopoly (Monopoly) from selection strapped strategy is based on the organization's policy, the provisions of Law no. 86/2011 on State trade in alcohol and tobacco, Alcohol Act no. 75/1998, as amended, and government policies on alcohol each time.
On the basis of selection are defined sales categories, product lines, departments and divisions that manage access to products in the outlets according to demand and ensure a diverse product portfolio that meets the desires and needs of consumers. Determination of sale based on sales success is measured by profit margin.
The regulation describes the requirements for the product, the packaging, labeling and other matters. strapped The trade terms with suppliers give clear of applications for sale of alcohol and how to conform to agreements on supply and demand. Discussed the delivery terms, guarantee suppliers, price and payment.
Alcohol Type: Product or products with similar content and presentation, although certain strapped varieties are not identical. Margin: The difference between the sale price and the purchase price net of VAT. Gross list: List of product margins 12 months. Sales Category: Alignment product to a group according to its access strapped to the outlets. Brand: Product that is different from others strapped given a special number in the file. Product division: Definition of products with specific characteristics designed to ensure a broad and comprehensive product range with respect to different outlets and increasing the variety and quality of the finest general. Product strapped range: strapped Products available in retail outlets. Product selection: The selection of products for sale. Department Commodity Classification of products that creates a combination of product selection outlets. In defining categories is watched raw materials, production processes and packaging type.
Category experience.
Outlets that sell products in the experience category specified in d. of Annex 1, the trial period shall be 12 months. Should applications for sale in the trial ranges you can receive a supplier listed on the waiting list.
Article 7.
Sale period is the month's bulk, Lent and Christmastime. Season for the majority of bóndadegi to his day. Sales Time lönguföstu from öskudegi to close Holy Week. Christmas sales period begins November 15 and ends on Þrettándinn. Distribution of Tobacco Monopoly decide each case.
Specialties is intended to support the selection strategy by increasing the diversity strapped and quality of the product selection and ensure that it meets the wishes and needs of customers. The specialty is able to offer a product for a short time outside of class monthly. strapped
In order to be found in the specialties category does it always have to go for the trial or the essence and function of the sales categories for regulatory purposes. Within a month of the announcement of the collapse, the experience or the core, a supplier may submit a request strapped for entry of product capabilities. In order to be carried in the specialties category strapped Monopoly strapped needs to accept the rationale and suppliers can reject the request based on the following factors:
a. are similar products already on sale which have higher strapped margins and / or higher quality, b. product strapped quality is inadequate, c. the selling prices were too high compared to the quality, d. the supplier can not guarantee the availability of the product, e. is not the basis for the creation of a new product division for goods of the type offered.
If there is a core product in a particular division laid down to receive general distribution under paragraph 2. Article 16. Regulation, it shall always apply the product strapped in trial or specialties category to fill that gap.
Special distribution for specific product strapped categories (beer, hard liquor, wine) that have specialized in the selection of product categories, more than other outlets. For distribution shall be according to paragraph 2. Article 16. along kvíaskjali. Monopoly can make exceptions for specific products, such as limited distribution of the most expensive types.
Monopoly can decide to whom orders should provide guarantees that the cost of purchase and transportation of the goods purchased must be paid for. Margin refunded if the product is unavailable.
Nærsvæðis purpose is both to make the outlets to meet local demand for products manufactured outside the capital and to facilitate manufacturers to introduce their products at home.
In home liquor store shall address any product manufacturer in sales of Monopoly. In the vicinity of a liquor store shall be available up to four types of beyond the standard selection of outlet, and shall be selected by the manufacturer, regardless of sales groups. Production can take nærsvæði to promote products that are not available in other outlets Monopoly.
Freight is the choice divisions by type of raw material and production, type of packaging and the life. Commodity Sections controlling the composition of the product selection nuclides in outlets. Monopoly can change the definition of product line departments and

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