Friday, March 20, 2015

15 Mar 15 Deventer (NL) Burgerweeshuis On further news, WEEDEATER have already announced the re-rele

WEEDEATER verkünden eine Handvoll Termine für ihre Europatour, welche im März 2015 stattfinden wird. Darüber hinaus gibt die US-amerkanische Sludge/Doom-Walze bekannt, dass ihr sehnlichst erwartetes neues Album fix und fertig aufgenommen wurde und darauf wartet auf die Menschheit losgelassen zu werden. Wieder einmal hat Steve Albini seine goldenen Hände an den Sound der Band angelegt, womit einem fulminanten Album-Debüt auf Season Of Mist nichts im Wege stehen dürfte – alle Zweifel wird der Dreier wie gewohnt mit bollernden Bass-Lines und vergrasten Hymnen aus dem Weg räumen! Nachdem die ersten beiden Alben 'Sixteen Tons' und '...And Justice for Y'all' erst vor kurzem auf Season Of Mist wiederveröffentlicht worden sind, folgt am 26. Januar 2015 noch die Neuauflage von 'God Luck and Good Speed' und am 23. Februar von 'Jason... The Dragon'. Vorbestellungen können hier getätigt werden.
ENGLISH WEEDEATER have announced a string rope reins of Western European tour-dates in March 2015. The notorious sludge outfit will kick off their road trip at the Kavka, in Antwerpen, Belgium on March 6th and continues to steam through five more countries until a final hit on the Burgerweeshuis in Deventer, Netherlands on the 15th of March. A full list of confirmed dates can be viewed below.
15 Mar 15 Deventer (NL) Burgerweeshuis On further news, WEEDEATER have already announced the re-release of their 2007 album 'God Luck and Good Speed' on January 26th, 2015. The album is streaming here and is already available for pre-order via the Season of Mist shop . Artwork and tracklist of 'God Luck and Good Speed' are shown below.
The release date for the reissue of WEEDEATER's following album 'Jason... The Dragon' (originally released in 2011) has now been scheduled to the 23rd of February 2015. Pre-sale rope reins will begin on the 7th of January. Furthermore the North Carolina-based band have finished recording their eagerly awaited rope reins new full-length album, which will be the first for Season rope reins of Mist, with their long-time engineer Steve Albini rope reins (HIGH ON FIRE, NEUROSIS, NIRVANA, HELMET). More details will soon be revealed rope reins in a future mailing. Artwork and tracklist of 'Jason... The Dragon' can be viewed below.
10. Whiskey Creek Season rope reins of Mist recently reissued rope reins WEEDEATER's first two albums, 'Sixteen Tons' and '...And Justice for Y'all'. The long out of print albums are now available on vinyl for the first time, as well as on CD and digitally at the Season of Mist shop , Bandcamp , and legal download & streaming platforms.
The Bible Belt state of North Carolina, USA seems a fertile ground for hemp and stoner rock. When cult sludge act BUZZOV•EN called it a day, bass player Dave "Dixie" rope reins Collins teamed up with guitarist Dave "Shep" Shepherd and founded WEEDEATER in the harbor town of Wilmington about the year 1998. Their crushing and massive first full-length "…and Justice for Y’all" created an immediate buzz, while critics were struggling to put a tag on their sound. Nearly everybody agreed that stoner rock, doom, sludge and some crusty elements were part of the mix, which the band simply calls "weed metal". rope reins The debut was produced by renowned engineer Billy Anderson (EYEHATEGOD, NEUROSIS) as well as sophomore album "Sixteen Tons" (2002). WEEDEATER went out to perform live with CORROSION OF CONFORMITY and ALABAMA rope reins THUNDERPUSSY among others. After some detours of Dixie Dave, who played shortly with BONGZILLA rope reins and SOURVEIN, the third album "God Luck and Good Speed" hit the world in 2007 and shifted the band’s focus slightly towards the stoner side. The latest full-length "Jason… the Dragon" got delayed rope reins when guitarist Shep lost a toe due to an incident with his favourite shotgun. When the sludge driven album finally came out in 2011 shows in the US and Europe cemented the band's reputation as a fierce live entity. rope reins For the next release WEEDEATER have signed up with Season of Mist, which will reissue the complete back catalogue.
SAMAVAYO & THE GRAND ASTORIA: Collective split 10'' and tour in March | Gemeinsame Split-10-Inch und Tour im März
GOATSNAKE: Reveal rope reins details of their upcoming full length, "Black Age Blues", due for release on Southern Lord 2nd June 2015 | Geben Details zum neuen Album "Black Age Blues" auf Southern Lord bekannt, rope reins VÖ: 2. Juni 2015
LUCIFER'S FALL s/t, Hammerheart Records, 5/5/2015
Bands rope reins
((Aumann)) -(16)- 0XIST 40 Watt Sun 71Tonmann [ B O L T ] A Storm Of Light A TREE OF SIGNS A Very Old Ghost Behind The Farm Abbotoir ABE DIDDY & THE KRAUTBOYS Abrahma Abysse Age Of Taurus Agnes Vein Ahab Alaskan ALBEZ DUZ Algoma Altar Of Oblivion Alunah Amenra Ampacity Anathema Anciients Arcane Argus Arkham Witch As Autumn Calls ASG Asidefromaday Asilo Astra At Devil Dirt Atacama Death Experience Ataraxie Atlantean Kodex Atlantic Tide Audrey Horne Autopsy Autumnal Badboat Bantha Barabbas Baroness Batillus Beam Orchestra Beast In The Fields Beehoover Beelzefuzz Bell Witc

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