Saturday, March 14, 2015

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Welcome to the Forum of Global Game Port - The Fan Site Network for computer and video games. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out out the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions. You have to register irvan smith first before you can post. Click on 'Register' button to start the registration process. You can read posts even now. Find yourself Just select the forum that interests you most.
The "Eridian Blaster" is the standard version of eridianischen blasters. He slowly fired consecutively from energy balls until the power supply irvan smith is exhausted. The "Mercurial Blaster" has increased fire rate and the short distance away, but also an effective irvan smith weapon. The floors of a "Ball Blasters" irvan smith steer itself towards the target. This effect is relatively inaccurate, why is a direct sighting irvan smith of advantage. The impact of a bullet splash damage is inflicted. The scope of this is quite small. The Wave Blaster misses energy balls, which move in waves, which makes hitting targets in a matter of practice. The bullets irvan smith bounce off surfaces irvan smith and could cause damage on impact shock. They also cause splash damage, the scope is still smaller than in the "Ball irvan smith Blaster" special text: "Peng Peng Peng" The special text is the same for all blasters. The English text "Pew Pew Pew!" Could be but still quite equate with the noise of a laser gun, which is seen in the English wiki as a reason for the special text. The "Thunder Storm" is the eridianische equivalent of a shotgun. There are 8 balls fired energy that can bounce off a surface and shock damage on hit over long periods of time can cause. Custom irvan smith Text: "Although the flash never strikes twice in the same place, but he can strike anywhere" Physical certainty ... The weapon also caused when firing often the sound of a thunderclap and the formation irvan smith of the energy balls changes are fired steadily , The "Eridian Lightning" is the equivalent of a normal sniper rifle. It fires a bolt of energy, the severe shock caused irvan smith damage on hit and over a longer period of time. The energy bolt reaches its destination immediately, so you do not have the trajectory of a projectile as in conventional irvan smith sniper irvan smith rifles with Anticipated and can also be good moving targets from a safe distance meet. Custom irvan smith Text: "The days of this thing are numbered." Since this is not about a 1: 1 ratio, irvan smith in turn, the English special text is easier to understand the origin of this quote: "I feel like I'm gonna break this thing . "The Will Smith in" "I said, as he of his acting partner Tommy Lee Jones' irvan smith Men in Black Grille" got in the movie. irvan smith This weapon irvan smith made an inconspicuous impression, but was extremely effective. The "Eridian Cannon" is something of a eridianischer rocket launcher. He fires a slow but powerful energy balls that cause surface damage on impact. Custom Text: "010011110100110101000111" If a binary coded ASCII character set, the letter "OMG" what for "Oh, my God!" is. Weapons from the DLC "The Secret of General Knoxx Amrory": This is a more powerful version irvan smith of "Eridian Cannon". It causes far more damage, but it has a lower rate of fire. Custom Text: Same as above. The "Eridian Flaregun" is an energy weapon that fires burning energy lumps. The bullet is not continuously visible during the flight, but glows from time to time on. "Smoke on the water ..." The text refers to the song "Smoke on the Water" by "Deep Purple": ignites at the impact site, a small fire, which fire caused damage .. Custom Text. The "Eridian Fireball" also misses burning energy lumps. Apparently only one ball is fired out of pure heat, so the bullet is invisible. Once it hits somewhere, the bullet entzünded to a ball of fire and damage caused fire. Custom Text: "You're going to need fields mouse dung ..." Refers to the game "Dungeons & Dragons". For the spell "Fireball" you needed anything bat guano (bat manure). The "Eridian Fire Bomb" is the third and most powerful weapon in the flames eridianischen Arsenal. It is abgefeurt a bullet, which glows visible in flight and on impact sparked a pretty fire. This jump from the impact irvan smith point 3 sparks away, d

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