Flying allowed! At the lesson Jukari Fit to Fly, thanks to a special trapeze try what it's like to swing like a kid again. The difference is that at that burn calories and shape the character. In addition, you do not have to worry about that embarrassing yourself or that you can not keep swing.
Jukari Fit to Fly was created in cooperation Reebok and Cirque de Soleil - yes, those acrobats who perform incredible stunts. Program based on some of their movement includes elements of aerobics or dancing, but most of all for him to stretch and strengthen muscles. And a nice bonus - swinging on a swing. pallet wrap I could not resist a workout I tried. The trapeze!
The exercise Jukari Fit to fly so-called FlySet need - a special rope and dvoukilovou Flybar rod. Do you set the bar rope handles to match your height, creating a horizontal bar, which you use during the lesson - routing with her while reinforcing.
In lesson turns just strengthening, balance and position variations walk with jumps. Each trick with rail prevent camera shake, the exercise we slowly woke up and realized together pallet wrap and then we tried the whole set of six exercises. Lessons may therefore appeal to those on the hour with a series of exercises prosecute or you can not remember. After toil reward
Jukari Fit to Fly is among cardio exercises, but I personally pallet wrap felt more like a booster. The whole time because you have to keep a balance reinforced body, so actively engaged middle of the body. And although it seems that the very swinging you can not really take, surprisingly enough steps to jump. Most working arms and back, because it pops up when you need to rest firmly. After three quarters of an hour workout, steps and leaps awaited us the promised swing. We shifted the rod to the lowest brackets, landed and everyone in the room, we started to smile. Motion pallet wrap swings you simply entertain and released. In addition to the swing we also tried to rotate around its axis. FlySet sensitive to your feet - if you have it with you, spins very quickly, roznožením the slow movement. At the very end we have used a very Flybar rod to strengthen the abdomen, and because it is a dvoukilovou burden abdominal muscles get confused.
Given the effects of the Jukari Fit to Fly not practice pregnant women who suffer joints or weakened pelvic floor. Exercise Jukari Fit to Fly you can try at fitness centers Pure Fitness Jatoi. In cooperation Reebok and Cirque de Soleil was still a sister program called Jukari Fit to Flex. It is used when it called flex belt band, through which strengthen and stretch the body and increases pallet wrap your flexibility.
For whom is suitable Jukari Fit to Fly? for those who want to burn and solidifying while for gadgets that move for fun for those who want strong arms for beginners to quickly raised heart rate
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