Thursday, November 28, 2013

The impact of the jump will form the Congress of the bridge, samuel lover above pozvolnej will cost

news forum Carys on Bali Maar in Canada freediving video sites DIRT Dráchov - dirt, brick walkways - Doudleby dirt - dirt Solutions Lime, dirt Kamenice n Lipa DOWNHILL Božák - DH, FR Tanx - DH, Pure Freeride Všenory Monte Carlo Krupka near Teplice - DH Good water Willingen Great Karlovice Maribor Mezibori Fort William Semmering Freeride Sobík - dirt, freeride Dubné - MX MTB on da Bechyně - Freeride walkways samuel lover Letterkenny samuel lover - freeride at all Plzen - Freeride trail Saporo - Monkey trail footbridge samuel lover Decin Kralupy nad Vltavou Vesecko Karlík Hloubětín Marienbad Tenerife freeride, BC SLOPESTYLE Kozzy plains - slopestyle BIKEPARKS Čerčany - dirt, freeride Gaiskopf - 4X, FR, DH Bike Park Dolni Morava iron ore - Leogang Bike Park Liberec Mosty u Jablůnkova Hlubočky Rokytnice Monínec lipno, Kramolín Špindl Bike Park Tenerife
That we create for the community around the wheels, heating, or a total of outdoor enough, probably do not have to guess. samuel lover I'm not going to link those 3OO articles showing that no shit, fuck it. However, for the last time, I found that my roots, the sort of primordial, are in skateboarding, and especially in snowboarding. And that these two activities (skate it therefore not driving) rather samuel lover neglected. Thus, for this winter, I would like to focus on a snowboard and ski community, and invent some for them too the big project that I have ingratiated them over the years SUPPORTED 720tky.
I have long wanted there to do some snowboard jam, but I vomrdávat a railing - There are skate parks, I think. Popularity tohodle jebání was one of the things why I have a few years to completely quit snowboarding - I could see the mountains, I could see the clock hiky for the 2o minute ride, I understood undercutting the slope karvovejch weapons, I understood and steep jumps in the snow parks and training samuel lover spin off jumps around the axis, but this oťukávání iron boxes and I found it totally nebavící trend. Well.
Make the Monínec hell of snowboard big air was nevertheless enough unreal - especially permice first and paying the main thing. However, this year we Jarda and put back together, and I can introduce you to the concept of who's samuel lover waiting for you with us and will really look forward to, I guess.
The impact of the jump will form the Congress of the bridge, samuel lover above pozvolnej will cost about 2-3 meters samuel lover high and quite a long extension (no kicker) with tejblem around 10tky. Impact rolls up to be steeper, and will jump nicely in the middle, do not worry that the rodeo will be introduced into the side of the Áčko (asphalt).
The jump will have to roll the woods, it's clear. I mean from top ski slopes. samuel lover I covered price Monínec dozens of hours and I therefore safe to say - once happened to me that I did not have the speed to bypass it when the flash did not reach down to the green - and it was a strange combination of snow from nafoukanýho works in combo with -20 hundred C. The speed there is, therefore, do not worry, samuel lover and as I once said - who it can not roll 80 kmh straight has nothing to 1O - 15 meter jumps to do. So from the forest and full speed will be.
31st January Thursday evening there with the guys (I hope that with the guys - Jandy, Vojta, Kumi) meet and together with the fact clever rolbařem you build macatej kicker who's samuel lover right boys testnou, and possibly tune. On Friday, the jump itself closes the fence, he will ride around, lyžníci handle it without a problem. On Friday night around 2 OH ends early evening skiing and board again rolbař, adjust effect and start-up the line, so you can keep it full speed from the top station. Suppose in 21h moth-hour break some training, and 22H thing going on.
The race will be run as two 3O those minutovejch yams, and then one super finals. They would go all together, lyžníci, prknaři, girls, boys - we are people who love snow and no matter how many boards, or if you have a ball between his legs, no.
ENTRY FEE WILL AGAIN 0, - CZK, because I do it and I said Fuck. No, do not think it should be, I hope that someone comes to buy something to me, and I earn about the same, so it really does not work for those 17 years as a Sponsor of the event, that's just know. I'm just heaven to pull money out of you, if it's just about my work and say my investment about the 5 thousand. Over the years rather know that the money should be returned to the sport, which I found a way, alive.
Jard, chief of all the Monínec for you as a rider gives the lift for free. Which is too unique to me that in the Czech Republic, we just want to have arrived, badly polítali, in as many and really took off at the party. In order 1O photographers filmed 5 videos that was enough snow and Monínec lived. And to have fun, and maybe eventually say - fuck, guys, thanks.
After all these years, what I do something, I had the opportunity itself to reach a lot of sponsors Horsefeathers, Peace, Vehicle, Meat fly ... yeah I could and probably would in fact not be a problem. They should have great prices, all the flags displayed on HF and it would look just top. But I ro

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