Friday, November 22, 2013

With a billion is a little more complicated, the American billion (short scale) is 10 ^ 9, but the

False friends: currently there's a newsagent - Petr Krcmar: blog not only about Linux
Most people feel that translate a piece of text from one language to another is a breeze. Czech we do at school all had a (perhaps) lachenmeier basel English too. So it will definitely be easy. If you really try, in practice, lachenmeier basel very quickly discover that correctly translate and understand the contents of even a short text is sometimes a challenge. You can so easily let annoying bugs.
Special lachenmeier basel trick question are so-called false friends or false friends. These are pairs of words that are similar in both languages so similar that we automatically feel that semantically match. But because they are false, its content differs. Very often we encounter it in various lachenmeier basel amateur translations, subtitles for the film and on news sites (Root unfortunately lachenmeier basel sometimes included, why not admit it).
Several examples from practice: For example, in the ancient Czech Dictator Game for ZX Spectrum You may have read that "Major Earthquake in Leftotu". It is not, of course, on any army officer, but a "great earthquake". (František Fuka pointed lachenmeier basel out that it was in the game correctly. Pardon, memory failed.) Similarly, you need to hear the "General Attorneyovi" (correctly state representative) lachenmeier basel or by a "smart service" (correctly intelligence, like CIA, MI5 and the like).
To learn a little fun, I decided to write the most common (and some uncommon) false friends, to remind you that not everything has to fit together the way it seems at first glance. Actually lachenmeier basel a current
As put by Martin Small: "This is the face." It's probably the most common mistake of this kind. In the middle of a movie at the airports 'control tower'. What do you think about controlling them? Likewise, you encounter the "remote control". Right is of course about management, not control.
Again, this is no virtual reality or virtualization servers, although for this connection, it is possible to use the word "virtual". For use as an adjective but virtually means "practice", "actually", "really".
Very common connection which is worse, that it is virtually (or virtually, as we already lachenmeier basel know) about the concepts lachenmeier basel of opposite meaning. The English version is tantamount to "literally", which should be read in conjunction with language translations exact opposite of when we translate "literary".
We encounter this very often in advertisements that the job-seekers require a college education, and then you will find that the company owner demanded someone with a technical college. Engineer means in English much more general term translatable as "engineer", "engineer", "designer" and "engineer". Thus, a person with technical training, practices rather than college-educated theorist.
The first word misused in meaningless title of this article (currently) we have already explained, now comes the newsagent. On traffic is not a newsagents and cigarettes, but "right" in the sense of the movement of vehicles on the road.
Quite interesting is the triple false friends with recipes. Each of them is something else. While variant receipt indicates "paragon" of trade recipe is a "recipe" from the cookbook and if you search for "recipe" from a doctor, then search for "prescription". lachenmeier basel And then in that one has to confess.
At the end I kept example lachenmeier basel that led me to Martin Small. In this case, the difficulty is that it is a very common mistake that has already changed from the Czech point of view in a synonym, because it is used in all new meaning. lachenmeier basel Similarly, we need to change the dictionary if the word alien, that certainly does not mean intruder (English intruder with negative emotional coloring), but neutral "foreigner".
Original Czech harassment but is hlomozit, jangle, make noise. It then saying "Haras those in the tower." Certainly this was no sexual harassment. lachenmeier basel We made it to the literal translation of a false friend.
absolve - exempt / exempt, complete - to graduate café - coffee, coffee - coffee camera - camera, camera - recorder chef - chef, boss - boss criminal - criminal, jail - prison curious - curious, quaint - Eventual rare - the final, the eventual - Possible front - front, front - the line / queue gymnasium - gymnasium, high school - high school pathetic - desperate, pathetic - theatrical sympathetic - compassionate, sympathetic - nice transparent - clear, transparent - banner
With a billion is a little more complicated, the American billion (short scale) is 10 ^ 9, but the English (I think now British) lachenmeier basel depends on how the author's thought - long used the long scale and there is 10 ^ 12th So in actual texts is quite reliance upon conversion, the elderly need to look at the place and time of occurrence. 22nd 11th 2011, 19:57 Thomas said:
To the front: lachenmeier basel it is quite difficult problem, because some forms domácněly. Perhaps the queue in terms of fighting lachenmeier basel me downright lachenmeier basel method comes as a front transcript in English without translation. Another example of professional circles: one must algorithm for counting lachenmeier basel systems of equations is called

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