TILBURG - The police Friday night in Tilburg, a 45-year-old man arrested. He was the occupants of a house on the Gijsbert training rope Drove is tackled with a claw hammer. They were bruises and injuries to their hands and arms.
The suspect hit the door with the hammer. Then he went residents to attack and eventually took off in a car. The residents warned the police that the man could hold the Statenlaan. From a breath test showed he had been drinking for a car can drive three times. Too much
It is incomprehensible that such a thing could happen, and then the perpetrator also stopped beforehand reported that he was coming. Since the vrrouw of huizens opened the door and straight into the hands of the perpetrator looked at it with a hammer, she's training rope so startled that she does not know what is happening because she was only trying to avoid the hammer and hand hold. When the man heard a thump in the hallway, he has ran forward, and saw what was going on was.Zij have together when the man had gone crazy to work outside. Only then did the man is going to hit with the hammer training rope on the door and so probably got yourself the hammer against his hooft when he was stuck in the door, and then out eindeljik he chose only eggs for his money and went on the vlucht.De people in shock achterlatend.Toen the police the man very quickly nabbed, and I hope this is a long story for him, ultimately had very different to walk off. He's just come back there with premeditation, and attempted aggravated assault, and what was the worst lijden.Vooral can also carry the mental abuse that these people will join a long time until death. Thus, a man must be very severely punished otherwise the in the Netherlands even more out of hand, as it is already no longer what's going on gebeurt.Maar the penalties are not what they should be. So no soft punishment for this man, but right now let's training rope finally talk as it should. 02-03-2008 at 13:10 pm | gabbertje
Unbelievable that people can behave as animal hopefully get the victims are reasonably af.en now hope that this drunkard get properly addressed and a hearty plate expense in the bus gets + a long confinement. 02-03-2008 at 10:23 PM | archie bald
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