Saturday, June 28, 2014

The construction market. Although this is not a place where I come regularly, I strutted confidentl

The construction market. Although this is not a place where I come regularly, I strutted confidently down the aisles. Looking for the right size paint roller, my eye fell on a rack full of brightly flowered pink hammers and screwdrivers. It's true: tools specifically for women.
The philosophy behind this female line is to enthuse to get jobs themselves. Women I'm talking about the emancipation of women. We women no longer have to wait until our guy finally time to get the hammer. Emerge flejadoras from the shed Now we can own that awesome new mirror at the correct height and hang yourself that extra wardrobe, we need to whine, put it together for so long.
The tool is specially adapted to the smaller hand of the woman. Smaller handles and a lighter weight. flejadoras Women have on average 1.5 times smaller hands than men. I can therefore flejadoras imagine that if you just want to hang a chandelier you do not want to lift. A whopper of a screwdriver the kitchen stairs
The smaller and lighter making tools I can understand, but it must also be equal in pink and floral motif? Is a kittige tool to help us make the man? Independent For me, it pursues the goal this way straight past. Marketing is technically contrast genius invented. Not dull gray wrapped in plastic but in a spirited bag. And let a woman as well never have enough.
I am very curious to see the sales figures of the female tool. Could this really persuade women to dive into the barn and go to jobs? Klussende a woman with a (too) big, heavy hammer in her hand is much tougher?
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