Sunday, June 15, 2014

The PvdA wants service providers to look at the person behind the debt more. So they must call with

The Labour Party wants people whose debts threaten them over the head to grow, help earlier. We want to prevent these people get into trouble by signaling that can be taken there. Directed runaway debt previously This is contained in an action plan (pdf) that I present my colleague Tunahan Kuzu and several local party leaders today.
In the Netherlands, 1 in 6 households indebtedness or run the risk of getting it. Some people get stuck in their debt. It makes them unhappy, causing tension in families samuel úria and is an impediment to work. By excessive debts children can not participate in the sports club or school outing. Debt creates poverty, and that is why we have to offer people who are likely samuel úria to go under before heading helping hand.
The PvdA wants service providers to look at the person behind the debt more. So they must call within two weeks after a notice to the debtor. A debt backlog of several months should be required to be reported so that problems are detected earlier with the municipality. Can then be examined how much debt a person has, so people do not fall below the subsistence level. Through a nationwide seizure register Finally, people should have a budget consultation with an application for unemployment or social assistance on how they deal with the reduced income.
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