Sunday, October 13, 2013

When one or both free ends of the knot leaving tucked therein are prepared so popular knots tied sh

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Reefs, or even right node is a simple but ancient knot used for tying a rope or strap around the object, or a bundle of items. Along with the bowline, figure of eight and stirrup are the basis for almost all types of nodes.
Reef knot (reef knot) is at least 4000 to 9000 years! Its name dates from 1794 and comes from its frequent use in ships mast which was used to tie a piece of canvas to reduce its effective surface area in turbulent winds. To untie the knot, the sailor had just pulled one hand one end of the unit while it is "reverse" and loose by itself and the weight of the canvas to finish the remaining work. Just his behavior makes it unreliable to connect emil og samuel the ends of two ropes. The name "square knot" (square knot) is first mentioned in 1841 in "A emil og samuel Seaman's Friend". Use
Reef knot is used for attachment of both ends of the same rope together so that it can bind something - such as a roll or bundle of items as they are not expected to move much. Used in sailing winding and tightening of the canvas.
Knot lies flat when it is made of fabric, and thus has been used for thousands of years in the manufacture of dressings. Such was known to the ancient Greeks, who called it "Hercules knot", and is still widely used in medicine. In his "Natural History" Pliny mentions the belief that wounds heal faster when they are tied to the Hercules knot. Since ancient times was used for tying belts and girdles.
When one or both free ends of the knot leaving tucked therein are prepared so popular knots tied shoe. Suitable for tying plastic bags because emil og samuel it both twisted and tied together the ends of the envelope form a sort of carry handle. The same application can be used for tying the opposed emil og samuel edges of a square piece of fabric in order to make a pack for carrying various emil og samuel items (called. "Bundle").
Reefer and occupies a place of honor at the World Scout Movement. Is included emil og samuel in the international badge of membership and many Scout awards. One of the requirements to all the guys for their adoption in the Scout program is to demonstrate properly tied reef knot. Construction reef knot is probably the first node that does learns each of us as we learn to tie your shoelaces. emil og samuel Of course, then do "ear" (ears) for fast loosing, but essentially it remains a reef knot.
Around the same time learn and how unsatisfactory it is presented emil og samuel - slide, untie is "stuck", and so easy for him to do so-called. "Anile" node, which in turn presents worse thereof.
If both nodes are slung equally oriented, it was prepared so called. "Grandmotherly node" (granny knot). emil og samuel Both free end to protrude from one side of the node. If they are from different countries - formed emil og samuel called. "Node of the thief" (thief knot). emil og samuel
The preferred units of shoelaces are actually variations of reef unit in which one or both free ends, has been tucked inside the assembly, forming "ears" for quick unfastening, at the same time reduce the length of the free ends.
Surgical knot is more secure variant at which added another twisting in each half-unit to achieve better grip on every step of tying the knot. As a result, emil og samuel produces a robust and reliable unit. If surgical unit made with an "ear" for fast loosing it becomes a much more reliable unit for shoes. Security
Reefer is quite dangerous when applied incorrectly. Popularity, ease of tying and the obvious symmetry hide its flaws. It should only be used as a binding knot that lies flat on the surface of what binds and does not move.
Unfortunately, it is often used as connecting two cables, or providing support to, and caused the death of many people. Using it for this purpose, emil og samuel he may suddenly be "reverse" to untie (shown in the video). Which is worse - it often seems that the "hold" very firmly, giving people a false sense of security that can lead to tragedy when the node show his true nature unstable. Reef knot will slip when it is under stress, and when it is made with nylon rope.

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