Water crisis is still a problem inherent in people's lives. The water is not suitable for consumption is a major cause of disease dissemination dangerous. "Because of the problem of water crisis in the area Tembalang which causes the water can not be consumed," said Imam Pesuwaryantoro. The findings after investigation that the water that was in the area Tembalang contains bacteria which is very dangerous to health. "How could I not, after having tested the water contains Fe (iron), Mn (manganese), and the bacteria E. Coli and Salmonella Bacteria pallet wrap machine scherichia," he continued.
Water Filtration Equipment witty PRO 3 in 1. Starting from a clean water crisis this problem, students from Diponegoro University has created water purification technology. Innovations made by Imam Pesuwaryantoro pallet wrap machine and his friends is named Witty PRO 3in1, Straw Nanocomposite Portable Multifunction Nations pallet wrap machine Children's work. This tool does look simple filtration. Its use is easy, can be installed on all types of water tap diameter. Materials used were anti-saturated material, namely by firing atomic nano-TiO 2 with fotolithografi tool. It is intended that when the material is saturated can be activated by means menjemurkan to light or sunlight when the day or recharging with rays or UV light when night.
Filtration technology in this tool is the use of nanotechnology pallet wrap machine is focused on waste water purification straw as material. In the womb there is a straw in the form of silica, activated carbon, and zeolites. "Now the content of the material that we process as water purification based on nanotechnology," said civil engineering student Undip the class of 2010.
Product innovation funding coming from Indonesia and the Nano Center PATENT (Nano Technology Appreciation Program) held Kemenristek has many advantages. It can be mounted on all types of tap water and the diameter pallet wrap machine of the anti-saturated material, on the other hand can be checked with a digital TDS. F refugees TDS series digital artificial saturation of this is to check the water when it passed the threshold of drinking water is 110 ppm.
Technology made by Imam Pesuwaryantoro it can provide many benefits to society. Through her creative ideas at least helped to solve the problem of clean water crisis happening in the community.
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