Along with the many activities of today's society, which is usually only as a restaurant dining, is now the place to do various things. To meet the need for it, the businessmen vying for culinary use it.
Workshops, seminars, or just to hang out, are some of the many activities carried on in the restaurant at this time. It makes the restaurant as a multifunctional place. Seeing business opportunities, culinary entrepreneurs to innovate in order to attract the attention of buyers. One of them presents a restaurant with a unique interior design concepts.
"By having this unique restaurant concept, many visitors who come for the restaurant displays a different look to the other restaurant," said Manager of Marche Restaurant, Indra Christian. The uniqueness is presented from a variety of unique restaurant is not enough to maintain the existence of the restaurant itself. There should be a powerful promotional strategies, in order to increase the number of visitors. "For our campaign through facebook, twitter, magazines, and digital post frame in about 60 buildings in Jakarta," said Mickey, Marketing Communication Marche Restaurant.
The presence cam buckle straps of a unique restaurant quite an impact cam buckle straps for the community. Especially in the midst of routine cam buckle straps capital which often makes tired, a unique concept restaurant can be a refreshing alternative to the mind. "The cam buckle straps uniqueness of this restaurant makes me uncomfortable," said Lidya one visitor a unique restaurant in Jakarta.
In today's era of globalization, traditional restaurants tend to sink to the emergence of unique restaurants and modern that seemed mushrooming metropolis like Jakarta. Moreover, most unique cam buckle straps restaurant in Jakarta membandrol menu is offered at a price that simply spend within. But according to one visitor Kelapa Gading Mall Food Court, Okta, said unique or not a restaurant is not a barometer of the success of a restaurant, but rather depends on the quality of the food itself. So, interested in eating in modern restaurant or stick with the traditional concept of the restaurant?
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