Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Students are required to have a critical spirit in the face of all the problems that exist. Berbag

Students are required to have a critical spirit in the face of all the problems that exist. Berbag ai methods are used to channel all their aspirations, either hartness international by individuals or by organizations. No exception Rgnv TPL courses that form a forum to facilitate communication Aspir ation students.
Saturday, December 7, 2013, students of religion Ten Field Extension (TPL) Rgnv presidential hartness international inauguration held a forum for communication students TPL period 2013/2014. The forum was formed to bridge between hartness international the campus and students TPL so that no information can be channeled properly.
Presidential Inaugural student communication forums TPL period 2013/2014 the inaugural event it has become an annual event for students TPL communication forum. However, this time the event organizers try to present a slightly different, namely to invite students of TPL from other campuses, such as TPL of STTT Bandung, Bogor AKA, and also WMT APP. Not only that, a new breakthrough shown in this year's inauguration was in selenggarakannya panel discussion on the theme "Help small and medium enterprise capital and entrepreneurial development of national entrepreneurship hartness international movement associated beginner". Material panel discussion into a special dish in this inauguration delivered by speakers from the Ministry of Cooperatives hartness international and SMEs and Bank Rakyat Indonesia.
Affandi, hartness international as chairman of the event revealed that the concept at this year's event is the first time performed TPL Rgnv communication forum. "So far TPL Rgnv was never a host, always we are invited, we finally took the initiative of inviting the committee TPL another campus for a dat ng Rgnv once invited to the inauguration of this forum," said Fandi.
A series of inauguration TPL Student Communication Forum was concluded with the inauguration of a new president Dean Andis TPL period 2013/2014. Proceed hartness international with the handover from the previous president and vice president to the president and vice president of the new.
Through communication hartness international forums inauguration attended by TPL courses from various other agencies under the Ministry of Industry, is expected to further tighten the relationship with each other. Not only that, the innovative hartness international ideas are also needed hartness international to be able to develop another event that would benefit the entire bias among students.
(LPM Industria - Putri Rizki a)
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