Saturday, March 15, 2014

This rope and mat is very easy and quick to make, even for the most novatillas in this hook. Just f

Since I discovered crochet or crochet, as you whichever you prefer to call it, I love experimenting with different materials because any loop, thread, wool or wire can be woven if you put ... so this time I tried some rope I bought the hiperchino that I have close to home. And the result can not be like me more ...
This rope and mat is very easy and quick to make, even for the most novatillas in this hook. Just follow the classic pattern tissue circulate all low points I guess know. Magic Circle 1-2-Eight lows on the next lap closing the space with point 3-2 lows at each point on the previous lap, closing the space with point 4 - sequence 2Pb-1PB-1PB-2Pb ... Close to Point Satin 5 - 2Pb-1PB-1PB-1PB-2Pb point ... close with Satin And so to get the size you want. Then we left for very flat, ironed with a hot iron ...
What do you think of my new mats? Are you urge to make one? What other materials have proven shrink wrap film to crochet? If you want to see more projects made with crochet, you can click here, here or here also take the opportunity to thank Araceli Blog My corner of dreams by giving me an award. I'm excited, especially since your blog was one of the first people I met who encouraged me to create my own. It is a blog that is great with lots of Brico DIY projects and decor well, so it's just my style!
ChamilitosHome February 28, 2014 9:05
Never tried to crochetear rope, I always did it with wool and cotton thread, saves your tablecloths is very cute, I think I look for a ball of string at home, I like the idea! Greetings! Romina Reply Delete shrink wrap film
What a coincidence! I did one yesterday trapillo, but do not round so I went square. You have been very cool! I wish I knew how it's done ... because it monisimo! Good weekend! Kisses Delete Reply
With how ugly they are all mine quemadoosss!, If I find time I get one like it, you may like a more burns tone pots, heh, heh. Good weekend Graciassss Delete Reply
What monadaaa! shrink wrap film I love the result, if we have not ever ......... A fantastic idea, I imagine it costs a pokillo by rudeness and roughness of the rope, but the result is worth the full penalty. A besotee! Reply Remove
I spent 3 days trying to make a flat circle to crochet and I gave up, now I have no excuse to make one with the information you give us, I will try again to see if I get as cute as yours, thanks! Reply Remove
Congratulations on the award, has enjoy. Go coolest you had thought, I love what you've got to do with a simple coil of rope. Prettier has failed and will be proud to have done it yourself. Of course this type of work that one invents are what gives us more satisfaction. Have a good weekend Eva. Kisses Delete Reply
What's good and economical idea! I loved it, and I'm new at crochet I think I'm going to encourage you, I like the rustic feel it has! Have a nice weekend! shrink wrap film Reply Delete
You have been cool! And is made with rope ..........! Handyman go ........... by the way thank you very much for your parabras ......... kisses! Reply Delete

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