Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February (1) January (5) December (2)

Italians are the souls of artists who find it difficult to accept, let alone adhere to the "top-down" imposed laws. The Italian wants to decide for themselves how to live their own lives: bolt cutter founders Safely and balanced or villittömästi and risky. This also applies to the safety belt.
When many years ago became mandatory seat belt in cars, talented, creative Neapolitan developed within a few days t-shirt, bolt cutter founders which was attached to the front of the seat belt image. The sale was a huge open-air markets and supermarkets. T-shirt on and the traffic. Convenient. Did not have to wear a seat belt.
I can hear in my ear, "my mother's sister" Arborvitae roar: "There was not wearing a seat belt?!" Thuya is more severe than the police. I have experience in the matter: he has threatened bolt cutter founders to inform me of the supermarket trade to checkout, the sister is a thief. Only for the reason that a few Naps buy bulk trade karkkihyllyn.Kaikkihan I passed them napsii. At least in Italy.
So my sister for information: I always use a seat belt, not in peace. Order only is this, when you start the car: 1 I put the radio on and I'm looking bolt cutter founders for your preferred music channel. 2 I put on lipstick. 3 I put my seat belt.
The police bolt cutter founders stopped me when I was in stage two. It's too bad. I made it still the situation without penalty. I was using the same old technology, but one thing: I smiled sweetly at the police. My smile this time was even spontaneous.
February (1) January (5) December (2)
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