Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The security aspect ... Do not use seat belts or the added risk of protection. No seat belt non-use

Amazing how a taxi customers manage to adjust the seat belt ... Type A1: Put your seat belt catch aboard were seated in the front or back seat, without too much compromising on quality. Type 65: Sitting in the front seat and takes a seat belt, but does not put it onto the mating part, but keep it with your other hand. Suddenly the view, it seems that the seat belt is used properly. (In general, the older man.) Type 10-2 Sitting in the back seat, and begin to put the seat belt on, and managed to end up in the moment before samuel wurzelbacher we get there. (In general, a woman, a 35-45v.) Type xyz: Do not put a seat belt front and in the back seat and not in any way establish even a hesitation. (Usually a female or male (18-92v) Type H7: Do not put a seat belt attached to the front or back seat, but will begin to clarify the topic ... (Usually a man of 18-92v) "Surely samuel wurzelbacher the taxi have to wear a seat belt." "Surely a taxi back seat to wear a seat belt. "" You would have to use the front seat of a taxi wearing a seat belt. needs a back seat. "(Male n.40v)" Let's put your seat belt on, that Tuu driver with a fine. "(Female n.25v)" You would need to use this when there is noi airbags. "(Male n.50v) "The driver does not need to be used." "Oh, the driver put the seat belt on?" (Male n.30v) "Urban is used. motorway do not have to, because if something happens to happen anyway." samuel wurzelbacher (Male n.40v ) finally, my personal favorite of all I've heard: "You would use a seat belt in the summer. wintertime, when it comes to sillon drift." (Male n.20V) NO! NOT! NOT! What's so difficult. vehicle (whatever it may be) by the the patio is installed in the seatbelt is in fact also be used. Anyone over 18 years old is the use of self-responsibility. younger people the responsibility of the parents or of the driver., without parental samuel wurzelbacher guardian, take a taxi to travel less than a 15-year-old seat belt use is the taxi driver's responsibility. (Whose responsibility is a taxi traveling alone 16 and 17 years?) the taxi driver does not have to wear a seat belt when driving to the customer. heard report on the subject name of the belts, samuel wurzelbacher "Sanitary Napkin" * click *-M
I have sometimes thought about this a belt issue. For some reason, the taxi is not necessarily going to put in a seat belt on, even in your own car feel quite naked without a belt. Self Niki interferes greatly yes, if you sit on these kyydissäni do not have seat belts on. I wonder how even some of the parents give their children riekkua 'free' in the car while driving. Lapsenahan that seat belt use is the easiest way to instil in mind. You mentioned that the customer driving the driver does not have to wear a seat belt. Is there any aspect of safety, or to which the rule is based on? At 1:03 PM. , - Said ...
The security aspect ... Do not use seat belts or the added risk of protection. No seat belt non-use the added insecurity or security. = O) ... or the practicality samuel wurzelbacher aspect ... let's not have to spend the joints or the seat belt mechanism every time you will open doors, etc. to assist customers. Precip case of both = O)-M-at samuel wurzelbacher 2:54 PM. , Anonymous said ...
Pretty much, at least my seat belt use my work hours will depend on the type of customer. sometimes the client exudes aggressiveness and lack of credibility, while sometimes someone samuel wurzelbacher smells bad enough, but sometimes it will be "a feelin 'that the belt be omitted. samuel wurzelbacher many times during the trip and can build up confidence in the belt goes on. When entering the motorway I use 99% of the cases belt. When I was on leave I always use a belt, even with smaller distances. -R at 8:35 PM. , Spoon on the floor said ...
Dear anonymous. samuel wurzelbacher Because you do not have kyydissäni obviously never been, then you may not know is that I use a seat belt work as well as civil and elsewhere. = O) And hop! Grading Permit snapped immediately. FYI-M-at samuel wurzelbacher 24:26 PM. , Scandium said ...
"Everyone over 18 years old is the use of self-responsibility. Younger people the responsibility of the parents or of the driver., Without parental guardian, take a taxi to travel less than 15 years of seat-belt samuel wurzelbacher use is the taxi driver's responsibility. (Whose responsibility is a taxi traveling alone 16 - and 17-years?)" The driver is responsible for the Road Traffic Act that only less than 15-year-old samuel wurzelbacher unaccompanied. It is the parents themselves are responsible for themselves. So, first encountered the law was invalid, the other right.
2 Tampere kind of taxi drivers. We decided to put our heads together and gather together taksikokemuksiamme blog. lusikka.lattiaan @ gmail.com Tali-Ihantala 1944 Previous Publications comfortable I feel sorry for the women went to Lazy rides v.2 Credit cards ... Kaatuilija Boy, again ... Speaking of the music ... Renoise interesting test when every attempt samuel wurzelbacher to civilize and his family .. Ker ...

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