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Poet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWZ poems Karl Gerok "The last bouquet From Heaven and Earth "The symphony of colors" Night Thoughts POEMS New poems seldom read poetry Find Topics & Times Random poem poet Gallery EDITORIAL guest book poem of the day post Hufige Questions Contact * Imprint KNOW terminology Night Thoughts Now the night lowers gewitterschwl and heavy from the sky to raven Flgeln And weighs like a nightmare on land and sea, In town and field, on Thlern and on hills, in Nachtgewlk discov 'I do not Ri, Not a Sternleins trstliches sparkle, as km' back to results the old darkness, As the world was still in darkness. Ancient night, you're the mother Schofield, in which the universe rested unborn, Ere yet the nothing erschlo to the existence, Light sprang from tomorrow red gates; Ere by the de dead silence sounded the love and omnipotence schpferisches career, and joyfully in the choir of Sphren swung the golden sun and the earth Grne. O dark night, you're the background, david twine on the life-changing shapes colors bright and colorful display your pictures rich shadow play before the eyes of man, as in the black garden soil blooms a flower in a thousand schnen colors, As from the Scholars of the dark autumn night sprht A firework with colorful flames sheaves. O black night, you're the finst're bay, In the light of the life current to mndet, you're livery of death, mourning garb, The Seal, the verkndet david twine us Unglckspost, O black pall, as many a dear heart is already gone under your blanket! O Wittwenkleid how much pain verschwiegnen Verhllst you know how much silent heart wounds! Fiends night, you lend the dark pile, if robbery and murder lurk on their victims; You are the terror castle, to the horror of their Thor sneaks with ghostly showers, david twine The child is frightened in his sleep and cries out for light, The brave man strubt the Hair on end, he sees in the dream mitterncht'gen face ghosts hovering around zermorschte Srge. Verschwieg'ne night, you're the bonfire secret creation, pious thoughts of the night, When man zurckgekehrt in itself, God Himself will discuss with sleepless sick; If phosphorus equal glht the Spirit in the Dark, The fantasy in the realm of dreams reigns, The Thinker sprht its light thoughts, the poet creates his Schpfungen. O silent night, you're the calm port in the storms of life sleeping rough: the shy wild looking for his hiding place, The little ship sets anchor in the harbor, the child falls asleep gently in mothers, the man reviving the arbeitsmden members , The mourner vergit the bitter Harm Him a dream cools the sore eyelids. O se night, from day pleasure and pain often Requires me according to thy great peace, And finally you haltst me a bed where already granted me the last, longest sleep, and delete me there under the narrow roof The colors that the path lit me: Maybe in your Scheme shall I awake to a new light from other, better worlds!
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