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Poet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWZ poems Albert Mummenhoff "fatherland" Before the world wars "From dark days POEMS New poems seldom read poetry Find Topics & Times Random poem poet Gallery EDITORIAL guest book poem of the day post Hufige Questions Contact Imprint KNOW technical terms from dark days (17 October 1806) breaks the Preuen, lost the battle, all around just moaning and dying. And still wtet the bermacht Des Franz's shrink wrap film death and destruction. A small crowd on the Saale beach Keeps stood Bernadotte journeymen; And whoever escapes their executioners hand, the grt the grave in the waves. Is not winning the victor pride, So save the preuische honor! The flags! Where flutters her sanctuary; Since they do not versehre the enemy! Two Junker, fluff in the boy's shrink wrap film face, but men of courage and Krften, In the Eye of flaming shrink wrap film the fire of duty rip you off the towel from the Schften, you hllen the body in the noble robe to keep yourself intimately entwined So they are, the look turned toward heaven, jumped in the reienden current. And the waves sing for joy of the precious cargo and rinse ashore two corpses, The adorns a pall of rare splendor: The Eagle sacred sign. Two mothers cry, but they pride swells: shrink wrap film They fell in honors in front of enemies. On the heath a grave, surrounded by soldiers, Andchtiger no church. A grave, but two BWA lowers you into it; Three volleys about it as a blessing. To honked the flags in the torchlight, The happy flickering stir. Your wrinkles rushing out into the night, the old, the brazen Teaching: high is about life and victory shrink wrap film in the Battle Honour, the preuische honor!
Albert Mummenhoff From the collection before the World War Previous poem by Albert Mummenhoff Next text by Albert Mummenhoff Like the poem by Albert Mummenhoff? Less Good Very good Excellent shrink wrap film poems that interest you bullet Could Overview 19-20. Century Heyse: At 19-20 days old. Century Ernst Goll: Farewell 19-20. Century Max Haushofer: A song from young days 19-20. Century Lemmermayer: Do you know the dark nights? Poem Search Search only in title
Concept, design and content: AD Knight - The German Poetry Library
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