Thursday, February 27, 2014

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Love comes from the heart or from heaven and not from the wallet, this man actually believed. He is one of our most famous strapped revolutionaries and partout did not see that one constantly has to bribe God with drain payments. On 17 April 1521 was Martin strapped Luther (1483-1546) before the Diet of Worms, was interrogated before the assembled princes and estates of the empire, and the last time asked to recant his 95 theses which he had at the Castle Church in Wittenberg (ROLLING PLANET it did not exist yet) published .
After a day to think about and in the knowledge that this could mean his death, refused Luther from: "(Because) ... caught my conscience in the words of God, I can not and will not recant strapped anything, because it is dangerous and impossible, something about the conscience to do. God help me. Amen. "The oft-quoted version of" strapped Here I stand, I can do no other, strapped God help me, Amen "is not proven. But definitely sounds good. Contemporary museum complex strapped thanks to new building
And also: His last residence in Saxony-Anhalt, one of the famous Martin Luther memorials, has recently become accessible again - and also for wheelchair users and other disabled people. The building of the church reformer Martin Luther in Eisleben, on 1 Newly opened in February, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and has been set in the past two years for about 5.8 million euros repaired and expanded by a new building into a modern museum complex. strapped
The Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff (CDU), paid tribute to the reopening as another milestone of the Luther Decade. Luther's death house had now become even more attractive for Christians and tourists from all over the world, he said.
In the preserved historic building on St. Andrew's Place in Eisleben Luther died on 18 February 1546 at the age of 62 years (in fairness I have to mention: not killed by the Kirchenfolterern, but health snatched during a trip to a fight in a noble family to settle). strapped There, now reports the new exhibition "Luther's strapped last recourse" from the death of the prelate. In addition, the show reveals how the reformer was dealt with topics such as death and dying, and what influence Luther had on the culture of dying, they say. Pall Luther exhibited in the death chamber
Among the highlights include, according to the specifications of the Luther Memorials Foundation of Saxony-Anhalt the so-called "death room" with arguably the most important exhibit, the pall with Luther's coffin was covered. Among the "death chambers" strapped are the bedroom and the death chamber itself
Both rooms were at the time designed by Frederick William Walker (1840-1910) and can now be seen in the historicist equipment. According to the foundation, strapped all objects and furniture were restored. Director Stefan Rhein says: "Visits

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