The story I heard on the beach where the rest countrymen Poplavskiy cistern - a sort of a hole in the ground, you dig into the lowlands ohorodiv to pour out her vegetables. The village Mechyslavtsi in family Poplawski also have this cistern, which has dug ancestors Mikhail Mikhailovich (hereafter MM). The interesting thing is, cistern, especially for boys. Childhood, with brothers Mike loved pobovtatysya in cool water. These they brought from the river eel and carp, then interesting to catch their hands and then vypuskty. By August, the water level in kopantsi fell and then the guys just loved z'zhdzhaty directly in wet shorts, for the excavation edges cistern water. Shubosnut and then vyderayutsya cistern of the rope is tied to the stump of an old willow. Here's a simple enough fun. One day, at three o'clock in the night of August already famous rector, MM machine came to his native village. Outside it was hot and very itch MM remember fromm packaging his childhood and dive into the cool water kopankovoyi. The village is asleep, because relatives MM not warned of the arrival. Undressed in the car, it is in the same shorts, barefoot trail went under the spotlight of the full moon. Behold and cistern. Silence around, frantically syurchat only crickets. MM looked fromm packaging around, dropped pants, fromm packaging put them on a stump and suddenly poslyznuvshys, plopped on the edge of the cistern and shubovsnuv the water! He immediately realized that modern guys also like z'zhdzhaty fromm packaging the water in earthen slyzoti, and that they rozskovzaly banks of the cistern. MM felt a surge of happiness from the feeling that he seemed back to his childhood. Poskakavshy in clean cool water, MN decided to get out. Hand cleverly hit upon a rope with knots imposed for convenience. Pidtyahnuvshys MM There are zadyrav foot on the edge of the cistern, and suddenly the rope burst and spvivuchyy Rector was back in the water. And then he vtoropav that things are bad. For to get out of cistern without ropes debelenkoyi weight fromm packaging MM could not! For slippery, traffic-bound boys' buttocks, grasp the edges cistern impossible. One, plagues, forgetting manicure, MN tried to cling to solid, fromm packaging but native cistern not let go. Poborsavshys, MN began to feel the water in kopantsi not cool, but still nearly ice! Up here, the water along the foot of the Rector rowed something slippery! Pervistnyy terror gripped MM. Though mind saying that this is only eel, all its essence, something, pictured in the imagination of a serpent. It was scary. And then there's pochulosya some wheezing. Becoming tiptoe, rector looked scared cow that somehow veshtalasya by Levada. A cow walked up to the stump to which M. dropped their pants and, despite the fact that he cried in all his melodious voice zzhuvala those pants. fromm packaging Having stood over the helpless poremehavshy rector and his shorts, cow pochvalala on. Up here a month and came running fromm packaging cloud was quite dark, cold and scared. Before sunrise remained still for two hours. Skachuchy as Bunny, MN hot once tried to keep warm. He has painted in the imagination of the media headlines: "Naked rector of Culture died from hypothermia during summertime!" Or "The death of the rector fromm packaging of the hole - pidozoyuyutsya his students." When the body touched something slippery, was thought a "Poplavsky died from viper venom." It was a pity to myself that MM even zaskavuchav in gloss, umyvayuchys, warm yet tears. And here, right over his head, he heard a woman's voice: "Oh, Lord, who is it whines!". Month it emerged from behind the clouds and MM I saw that on the cistern is his godfather and neighbor Lyuska. She also recognized MM who begged for help. Lyuska went and woke her husband Nicholas, they both brought the ladder by which MM, forgetting about his naked form, deftly climbed to the will of the damn cistern. Lyuska fun laughing, looking at the bare godfather, who tried to cover up its great people. Nicholas gave the rector of her shirt, which reached up lap MM and went into the yard. Along the way, gossip said that their cow somehow learned to open the door to a barn, and sometimes, it is a full moon, lounges on the Levada. Here Lyuska and left her in the night to look for. The neighbors have been warm sauna and MM Nikolai went there to warm up. Lyuska drove a cow, prepared snacks and drinks, brought the car godfather pants and they are well sat drinking and laughing with nocturnal adventures. MM asked neighbors to tell no one about their trouble, and they pobozhylysya that no one will publish his godfather. A month later, MM spoke on television with the song "And we Kuma hodym in bath." It is very jealous hurt Nicholas, on which were mock in Mechyslavtsi, alluding to his Lyusku. He could not resist, and told how his cum in kopantsi ashamed. But this only added Babsky conversations. Especially women interested in something still managed to make out with your bare Lyuska gossip. But Lyuska like a real gossip, just slyly smiled back and said that it was very cloudy. fromm packaging
About Michael Kum Poplavskiy
Olha - Aug 25, 2013 5:46
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